
The Gemeinde of Silvester is another hotel

The Gemeinde of Silvester is another hotel

2.5 million euros for Silvester-Explosion

“Wir is kauft, um es in die Luft zu insects”

23.11.2024 – 10:20 amLesedauer: 1 Min.

Sprengung eines Gebäudes (Symbol image): Zu Silvester would have a House of the Erdboden gleich in a Gemeinde.Vergroßern des Bildes

Sprengung eines Gebäudes (Symbol image): Zu Silvester would have a House of the Erdboden gleich in a Gemeinde. (Quelle:

The New Year continues in an American city with a single row outflow. If you take action, this is a good idea.

A city in Georgia (USA) was celebrated with a spectacular pop in the new year 2025. The Macon-Bibb County Commission has developed the service plan, one of 16 rooms in the hotel and the Silvester a Mitternacht in the spring. An amount of 2.6 million US dollars (and therefore 2.5 million euros) was raised for the dismantling of the expenditure.

I enjoyed the Macon-Bibb County hotel for a year in bankruptcy for $4.5 million. The Gebäude dates back to 2017. Bürgermeister Lester Miller has taken into account that the hotel is no longer safe and cannot be renovated.

If you are a prominent guest with Elvis Presley at Hotel Ramada Plaza, you will no longer be able to use your financial finances. In 1991, the New Yorker Bankers was founded by the works councils and money officers.

The community of a neighboring church has concerns that may be shocking during the explosion. Russ Henry von der Kirchenverwaltung concretet in Gespräch mit der Nachrichtenagentur AP, dass de Kirche zwar den Abriss unterstütze, man wünsche sich allendings Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zum Schutz of the historical Church.