
GNW-Adhoc: Valor, Tochterunternehmen von DeFi Technologies, launches with Vermögenswerten Unterlegten Physical-Staking-ETP on Ethereum-Basis for profession…

GNW-Adhoc: Valor, Tochterunternehmen von DeFi Technologies, launches with Vermögenswerten Unterlegten Physical-Staking-ETP on Ethereum-Basis for profession…

^* First product from Valor en der LSE: Valor Digital

Securities Limited marks a bedeuten Meilenstein mit der Einführung

Seines ersten mit Vermögenswerten besicherten Börsenhandelten Ethereum-

Products (Exchange Traded Product, ETP, can be offered as wholesale).

Schudverschreibung (Exchange Traded Note, ETN), a London stock exchange and

provides professional options to use the Ethereum and Ethereum directory


* Sicheres, nicht gehebeltes Engagement in Ethereum mit Renditepotenzial: Das

ETP provides physical support, no involvement whatsoever

Ethereum, where the lying Vermögenswerte von regulierten could occur

Verwahrern fest gegert became a certain anlage for institutionals

Please take gewährleisten into account.

* Pioneering the integration of traditional finance and DeFi:

These market forces take place outside the Rolle von Valor

Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen traditionalellem Finanzwesen und digitalen

Powers, which are professionally managed, are strong

regular financial products are produced by DeFi-Raum.

TORONTO, Oct. 1, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DeFi Technologies Inc. (das

?Unternehmen” of?DeFi Technologies”) (CBOE CA: DEFI

(!/market-depth)) (GR: R9B


(, a financial technology platform that

Pioneering work in the convergence of the traditional capital market with the world

der zentralen Finanzen (?DeFi”) leistet, freut sich, die Einführung seiner

Bahnbrechenden, mit Vermögenswerten besicherten börsengehandelten Ethereum-

Products that are also sold Debt Verschreibungen (?ETNs”) bekannt

since, by the Tochtergesellschaft, Valor Inc, and Valor Digital Securities

Limited (zusammen?Valor”), a business owner

Products (ETPs) and London shares (LSE) are available.

Das Valor Ethereum Physical Staking ETP (Ticker: 1VET, ISIN: GB00BRBMZ190) is

a full-fledged besichertes, nicht gehebeltes, passive anlageproduct, that’s the end

direct Engagement in Ethereum (?ETH”) as a result of underlying cryptography

beetet. This ETP was created due to the valuable Kryptowährung status

regular Krypto-Depotstellen fest gegert wird.

?Wir freuen uns sehr, unser innovations,physically besichertes Ethereum Staking

ETP an der Londoner Börse einzuführen, was an important Meilenstein für

Valor and the British market are going crazy. These products can be used professionally

How to use your Ethereum system and how to do it

To create an item, the renderings will run during cost maximization.

Unser Ethereum Staking ETP has developed the involvement of Valor, innovative

Finanzproduct zu entwickeln, die zwischen bridge dem traditionalellen

Finanzwesen und der Welt der digital Vermögenswerte schlagen en es

institutional and professional positions in the Vereinigten Königreich

ermöglichen, ich über ihre traditionalellen Anlagekonten zu engaged”, so

Olivier Roussy Newton, CEO of DeFi Technologies.

Elaine Buehler, Head of Product at Valour, commented:?Dieses Produkt ist

a separate Schritt-vorwärts bei der Knüpfung von traditionalellen

Financing with digital assets. Pay the Vorteile des Einsatzes

About a business product available, together with institutions

Use Ethereum and ermöglichen is ihnen, ohne technical Hürden

an der watchsenden ditentralen Finanzwelt teilzuhaben.”

De Prospekt von Valor wurde von der Financial Conduct Authority (?FCA”) en

der London Stock Exchange (?LSE”). Anfang dies years ago

FCA and, if you deal with financial institutions, the ETPs for professionals

Please note that woolen ones are not possible. The LSE expertise is there

zweiten Quartal 2024 met de Annahme von Anträgen voor Bitcoin (?BTC”) und ETH-

Products start wird. The FCA hat is being celebrated, dass diese in London

Ansässige ETPs are now professionally affiliated since.

The einführung of the LSE-Leitlinie, the Zulassung best Crypto-ETPs

explanation, the best critical references, the physical substantiation,

zuverlässige preisquellen und in zugelassenen Ländern regulare Verwahrer.

Physical staking properties for Valor’s Ethereum:

* Make sure you start at the LSE, with the einzigartige Vorteil von Einsatzprämien.

* Physisch besichertes, nicht gehebeltes Involvement with ETH.

* Krypto shipments performed became regular

Verwahrern fest gegert.

* Der Handel is a professional and institutional company


* Wettbewerbsfähige Verwaltungsgebühren.

If there is a Rendite, you can control its operation

Verwaltungsgebühr von 1,49 % können Anleger passive display erzielen en

Check the technically complex components of the installation. Dare to die

Investment in das Valor Ethereum Physical Staking ETP targen Anleger auch

active in developing DeFi landscape. Verbessert

Security brand male, who z. B. the Slashing version and the full standard

Besicherung, beet de Anlegern zeetzliche Transparenz und Schutz.

Krypto-Staking is a legendary staple of Blockchain dynamics, that’s what it is

the Teilnehmern ermöglicht, sich an der Waltung and dem Konsens von Proof of

Stake (PoS) Blockchains are active and interesting for your company

zu erhalten. I am working on the Proof-of-Work system and the PoS network

Validate angewiesen, de Vermögenswerte zur Validierung und Erstellung nouvelle

Block paints.

Through investments with institutional investors in the copper markets

(Switzerland) AG for the Verwahrung and the Branchenführer Blockdaemon for the

Einsatzservice offers value to a carefree, non-expectant person


The Zulassung in de Vereinigten Königreich hereditary, after the USA

Börsengehandelten Bitcoin Spotfonds green Lightly grown – one

Entwicklung, die more years and more products are produced, die in

were traded in various European countries. The products can be purchased from

are you in the “Professional Investors Only” segments of the LSE

were acted upon. Während der Zugang für Kleinanleger weiterhin in eengeschränkt

is, states the Börsennotierung a bedeutende Entwicklung für die

institutional Nutzung von Kryptowährungen in Vereinigten Königreich dar.

Uber DeFi technologies

DeFi Technologies Inc. (CBOE CA: DEFI (

activity/DEFI#!/market depth)) (GR: R9B (https://www.boerse- (OTC: DEFTF

( is a Finanztechnologieunternehmen,

the pioneer work in the convergence of the traditional capital market with the

Welt der zentralen Finanzen (DeFi) leistet. With the Schwerpunkt on

branchesfuhrenden Web3-Technologien ist DeFi Technologies bestrebt, Anlegern

einbreten Zugang zur Zukunft des Finanzwesen zu ermöglichen. Unterstützt

of a great team of experts with extensive experience in the field

Achieve Financial markets and digital display, which offers the best price, which Art

and we are revolutionary, who are single persons and institutions with them

entwickelnden Finanzökosystem interagieren. Follow the DeFi Technologies auf

Linkedin ( and Twitter

(, and more information about it

Uber courage

Valor Inc. and Valor Digital Securities Limited (zusammen?Valor”)

Börsengehandelte Produkte (?ETPs”), private and institutional business

A simple and safe way to create digital renderings

ihr kömmliches Bankkonto ermöglichen. Valor is the Teil des Geschäftsbereichs

Asset management by DeFi Technologies Inc. (CBOE CA: DEFI

(!/market-depth)) (GR: R9B



Make sure you can leverage new physical platforms for digital

Presumably, from the 1Valour Bitcoin Physical Carbon Neutral ETP, 1Valour

Ethereum physical staking and 1Valour internet computer physical staking

hearing, with Valor fully integrated ETPs for digital performance

with new improvements or sogar ohne solche gebühren and, wobei die

Products from europäische Börsen, listed at Banken and Broker-Plattformen

shame. Valor’s best product palette is a Valor Uniswap (UNI),

Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), Cosmos (ATOM),

Binance (BNB), Ripple (XRP), Toncoin (TON), Internet Computer (ICP), Chainlink

(LINK) Enjin (ENJ), Valor Bitcoin Staking (BTC), Bitcoin Carbon Neutral (BTCN),

Valor Digital Asset Basket 10 (VDAB10) and 1Valor STOXX Bitcoin Suisse Digital

Asset Blue Chip ETPs with new processing regulations. The Flagship Product

Valor since Bitcoin Zero and Ethereum Zero, the first completely

passive analyzes with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) as

Basiswert, which means full-fledged living freedom. For more information about courage,

zum Abonnieren or um Updates are available, such as


Hinweis zukunftsgerichteten Information:

These press conferences are aimed at aussagen” in the sin of

valid canadian law. Zu den zkunftsgerichteten

Information is displayed, among other things, about the Notierung des Valor

Ethereum Physical Staking ETP on the LSE, the regulator in Umfeld in Bezug on

the Wachstum and the Akzeptanz provide financial and digital financing

Power, the Verfolgung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten durch das Unternehmen

and your excursions can render the previous or potential

Solcher Möglichkeiten. Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen unterliegen bekannten en

unanswered risks, uncertainty and other factors that hinder this

Können, that is the tatsächlichen ergebnisse, the active level, the Leistung

oder die Erfolge des Unternehmens wesentlich von denjenigen abweichen, die in

Diesen zukunftsgerichteten Informationen zum Ausdruck brought or implied

wurden. These risks, uncertainty and other factors are minor

Other than that the business of business products of value durch die

Börsen, das Wachstum und de Entwicklung des Sektors der zentralisierten

Financial and digital assets, regulations and regulations in consideration

This financing and digital view is all integrated

social, economic, legal, political and social

Insecure heathens. Trotz der Bemühungen des Unternehmens, die Faktoren zu

identify, de wesentliche Abweichungen der tatsächlichen Ergebnisse von

in the health care context, you will be able to cope with it

under the circumstances there are more factors, which can be carried out, which die

Somewhere nothing has gone wrong, nothing happened or feared ausfallen. It’s possible

If you make a purchase that is fulfilled, it will be deleted

erwissen, de tatsächlichen ergebnisse and zukünftigen ereignisse

it was sensible to be able to leave the room in these days. Die Leser

sollten daher kein unangemessenes Vertrauen in zkunftsgerichtte Aussagen

setzen. This information is not mandatory for information oriented towards information

If you work, you must carry out the installation with the applicable Wertpapergesetzen.



For more information you can say:

Olivier Roussy Newton

General manager

[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

(323) 537-7681
