
The Mission of Claudio Iovino in Madagascar

The Mission of Claudio Iovino in Madagascar

Augenkrankheiten in de entlegensten Winkeln der Welt treatment. Among the Poor. It is the History of Claudio Iovino, Forscher and the Augenklinik of the Universität Vanvitelli, of the young humanitarian Experience as a volunteer Surgeon at the Mission in Madagascar End of Summer, a Orten, a Danes of the Behandlung buchstäblich ist. In recent weeks we were in touch with Dr. Nicola Panella and a team of volunteers Ärzten and Nicht-Ärzten one of the Durchführung of über 80 surgicals Eingriffen and über 1,000 Untersuchungen.

Die Geschichte von Airo Onlus wurde bei der VI. Ausgabe des Forums der Presbyopie in Neapel was presented by the chairman, Professor Vincenzo Orfeo, director of the Augenklinik of the Mediterranean Clinic, for “bringing the Light to Dorthin, wo Light is a Luxus ist and Sehen a Hoffnung ist” with the prize for Life is well lived.

A humanitarian commotion, which began in 2013 with the first mission as a Volunteer in the Elfenbeinküste, which started by Claudio Iovino in the Laufe der Zeit in the extensive shop of the Erde gepflegt wurde, in Gebieten, in the fehlen medizinisch-surgische Eingriffe voor Menschen with the ability to experience mental health problems. One of the Mediterranean herausforderungen, limited means and a bedingungslose hinge, which was lebt in the city of Ambanja, wo AIRO, gegründet von Orfeo in year 2004, der local Bevölkerung seit Jahren augenärztliche Hilfe bietet, indem es Medikamente, diagnostic instruments and scientific instruments are carried out.

“The Tage started in the morning gray,” says Iovino, “and often ended first in Abend. After a quick Frühstück, our team was on the road to the Sint-Damiaan Hospital in Ambanja, where the Dutzende van Menschen, who came from Dörfern, were the Dutzende of Kilometern-entfernt, were present. Patients can change and often change their illnesses. Wir führten Untersuchungen durch and boats in urgent Fällen Brillen and Augentropfen or, if there is no such fortunate surgical intervention.”

Some of the teams start work regularly, a person identifies himself, the surgical treatments are carried out and then the following instructions are organized in the hospital. The mangle and stream of the war of operations was now one of many conflicts likely to take place. “Our labor tempo war is unprecedented, if you can help Mal, if you experience the Light of Freud in the Augen der Patient, in any way, all people will receive a powerful impulse,” erzählt der Chirurg.

There is a riddle: “Those emotions are your strength. Nach Italien zurückzukehren, die Art und Weise, wie man begegnet the tag Schwierigkeiten; man geht, um zu geben, aber man erhält fell more. It is one of the Gründes, which Professor Orfeo and Professor Simonelli still enjoy, that is a large part of the Fachleute who is laughed at, who, if she dies, dies of a humanitarian Heritage-ends, bezeugen können, wie Medizin and Menschlichkeit , wen sie mit Hingabe, Engagement, Resilienz und Opfergeist were, Hoffnung und Würde de Verwundbarsten zurückgeben können.”