
For Gewässerschutz: Chemistry professor dares to swim on the Elbe

For Gewässerschutz: Chemistry professor dares to swim on the Elbe

Chemist Andreas Fath will swim more than 1000 kilometres through the Elbe and thus raise awareness of water safety. The sporting development began with the professor of the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences in the Black Forest with an origin in the Oberlauf der Elbe.

Inner half of 25 days you will pass through the Fluss von Smirice in the Czech Riesengebirge in Cuxhaven. On the seiner 1083 Kilometer long journey, the city in Dresden, Magdeburg or Hamburg continued and shared with seinem Team Regelmäßig Wasserproben entnehmen.

The 59-year-old scientist has a hard time increasing brand protection in water protection. The Czech news agency CTK has started a sport and more knowledge of soul: “I could swim to the North Sea and test the water quality of the Elbe for microplastics and other trace elements. This could also be an example of a picture program with workshops, seminars and other activities.”

Fath’s project “Pure Elbe” deals with the problem of people who erect barriers, the fish and other waters in their natural environment during the wash in the back.

Get started at the Hochschule Furtwangen in the Location Schwenningen and is the international ‘swimming professor’. One of the Belastung van Gewässern by the Mikrolastiek notices that the machine covers the Rhine, the Tennessee River and the Danube.