
Chronic entzündliche Darmerkungen (CED) in Klinikum Stuttgart

Chronic entzündliche Darmerkungen (CED) in Klinikum Stuttgart

Chronic-related syndromes in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis form an interdisciplinary approach. Das Klinikum Stuttgart offers a new treatment.

Chronic Enzyme Intestinal Disorders (CED), also the chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, often begin for a long time for those affected – and usually the Erkrankung begins with the life. The symptom may occur frequently and no longer include the description of the intestines in the foreground. Auch die Augen, Gelenke or the Haut could be affected. You must hear about the chronic intestinal problems Crohn’s disease and die Ulcerative colitis. If you want to undergo treatment – make sure that the patient has comprehensive and interdisciplinary care that covers all cases.

Häufigkeit und first Symptom: Were you affected?

In the Western Industrial State, approximately 350 of 100,000 residents are affected by a CED, the goal of this period is approximately 300,000 Erkrankungen in Germany. Most people who endured the early years of the crisis have fallen over the years, and their weight gainers have been between 20 and 40 years old. “I am a center for chronic disease research at the Klinikum Stuttgart, where affected patients with persistent pain in one hand are treated by the treatment team,” said Professor Dr. Jörg Albert Zutrummen, der Klinikum Stuttgart die Klinik für Gastroenterologie leitet en gleichzeitig zum Leitungsteam des CED Zentrums.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: comprehensive treatment in Klinikum Stuttgart

The optimal care of patients with chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis ensures an integrative, individual reduction of the disease, so that the disease ziplines can be viewed at an end. In the Stuttgart hospital you will find the experts and experts of gastroenterology, surgery, psychosomatics, dermatology and ernährungstreatment of a time. If you are treating the patient with the disease, the disease activity of your control, the symptoms of the disease and the quality of the patient being treated. There is interdisciplinary care with the complex beds of patient courts.

Präzise Diagnostik: The Schlüssel zu effective therapy

“For that soul Treat the CED It is an exact analysis of the attacks, including that of the affected intestinal bacteria and other essential organs. Then, as a rule, a medication can be discussed. In most cases, active activity can be continued. If you perform a major treatise, or an active activity for a year, not at all on the medical treatment or if you experience complications, you can help our partner in the surgical operation. The interdisciplinary and continuous analysis of the treatment is no longer important for long-term treatment, according to Professor Albert.

Surgery with complications: Wann Eingriffe became numb

The treatment of Morbus Crohn is intensive, intensive treatment of patients and internist, gastroenterological and surgical courses. Surgical intervention is intended to be performed if complications arise during removal and removal of the bladder. Darüber kan stenosis oder Engstellen in Intestine die Lebensqualität grime einschränken use. In these cases, more modern OP techniques can be used to perform sparing examinations and patient samples.

Professor Dr. Jörg Köninger, Ärztlicher Director of the Clinic for Allgemein, Viszeral and Transplant Surgery, has led the Leitungsteam of the CED-Zentrums in Klinikum Stuttgart. The Surgery at the Klinikum Stuttgart has performed a number of complex treatments and treatments for complex surgical procedures in patients with Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Was since Chronic Enzyme Intestinal Disorders (CED)?

Wellbeing care for the lone patients is one of the best ways to guide gastroenterology and surgeons in the treatment of patients. You will end up at the Ernährungsberatung in the Klinikum Stuttgart, a major treatment. Many patients with chronic conditions lead to a mangelernährung, and get more appetite or appetite in the diet. Here you can discover specific symptoms and German quality of life disorder.

Psychosoziale Unterstützung: Den Alltag bewältigen

The ongoing nature of the actions and processing of quality of life can lead to the psychosocial treatment of an important component of the treatment. Psychologists or psychotherapists help patients with the emotional burdens associated with anxiety, depression, or stress while relieving or exacerbating tension.

Warum interdisziplinäre Versorgung separated ist

These facets of chronic chronic diseases require a therapeutic treatment with various specialist skills for careful treatment. Maximalversorger in the Klinikum Stuttgart with its larger size Erfahrung auch bei complex Krankheitsbildern and eingespielten Prozessen über Fachgruppen are here for the best Rahmenbedingungen.

More information about the treatment of chronic intestinal disorders can be found on the website of the Klinikum Stuttgart.