
Amazon buys with Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt

Amazon buys with Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt

Das Verteilzentrum Wien-Liesing, intern DVI 2 genannt, is one of the fünf Amazon-Logistikstandorten in Österreich and serves the Feinverteilung (Last Mile Delivery) of Amazon-Bestellungen in Greater Vienna and Lower Austria.

The Amazon Region and the Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (FHWN) are starting a new collaboration, an expert in the field of e-commerce: tomorrow there will be a practical orientation in the world of business.

Um Student:innen der FHWN die Opportunities zu bieten, sich direkt mit Expert:innen van Amazon auszutauschen, start of the Master-Study course “E-Commerce Management” a praxis-oriented Cooperation

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