
Frankfurt Airport is no longer a pandemic

Frankfurt Airport is no longer a pandemic

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Frankfurt Airport is no longer a pandemic
In the summer quarter I lagged behind the Zahl der Fluggäste in Frankfurt, 1.8 percent higher than in Vorjahr and 13 percent below the level of 2019, even before the Corona pandemic. (Archivbild) © Arne Dedert/dpa

The large German airports have never been as old as before Corona. Das Management complains high state authorities, plants aber auch selbst höhere Entgelte.

Frankfurt/Main – The Frankfurter Flughafen will not return to Switzerland after the Corona crisis. The Betreiber Fraport was a year later more than 61 Millionen Passagiere – gegenüber dem Rekordjahr 2019 bedeutet that a visible Rückstand of fast 10 Millionen Flugästen. Nor do weenige Monaten hatten ich de Frankfurter bis zu 65 Millionen Passagere zugetraut.

If Hauptgrund für die Flaute nennt Fraport chief Stefan Schulte dies high, statlich veranlassten Gebühren and Steuern für den Luftverkehr in Deutschland. The Fraport factory is located higher than here in Start- and Landegebühren.

Go to the Passenger Halls as you walk along the route. I am working on Fraport in the summer quarter and my Heimatdrehkreuz now nor 1.8 Prozent more Passagiere as a year ago. We are impressed by the Australian advocacy of the MDax konzers who are sweet, with debt on the new Monaten being one of the Fraport actions that have won an amount of 380 million euros (2023: 316 million euros). Der Umsatz is worth 12.2 percent for a year on a value of 3.4 billion euros.

Halber Gewinn comes from Ausland

Half of operating profits (EBITDA) quickly come from Australian investments in other countries in Greece and Turkey. At Kalamata Airport on the Greek island of the Peloponnese, Fraport strives for greater minority protection.

The statutory regular standort costs in Germany are “a significant amount of money, which makes our home market easier on the passenger traffic in Europe,” says Schulte. “The air traffic control also ensures that air safety and air traffic control are at the height of the weather.” The Fraport chief works for the end of the winter flight plan in the 1930s.

“Dreamliner” quickly dreimal so teuer

From 2019, you will see this cost component for an inner European flight with an Airbus A320 from Frankfurt to be more than half in operation. I believe that the cost of a flight with a Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” in New York goes to Fraport for more than 18,000 euros. Damit lie sie demnach fast dreimal so nor wie bei a Verbindung ab Paris.

Fraport will continue to operate its own Flughafenentgelte abermals. Schulte bestätigt entsprechende Gespräche, in denen is een spanne zwischen 5 en 9,5 Prozent geht. This obedient Ende became nothing more than the Manager. The Entgelte was established by the Hessischen Wirtschaftsministerium as the Landesluftfahrtbehörde festgelegt, due to the Year 2024.

The Fluggesellschaften were sold in the future. In the first month of 2024, the Fraport has won an operating company in the Aviation segment with a turnover of 28.8 million euros that has generated 176 million euros.

Own Preiststeigerungen

Debt is due to those own Preissteigerungen, which have been in the past since 2.1 years ago. Fraport has chosen the Corona-Verluste self-selected and benötige Mittel for major investments in the Frankfurt Passenger Terminal, which was planted to Ostern in 2026.

The result is that there is state aid and management, “noch oben drauf”. “It is one of the Rahmenbedingungen”, meinte der Manager auch mit Blick auf die meist noch schwächere Entwicklung and the other German Flughäfen. It is worth strengthening the most recent Bundesregierung.

Thank the Australian flight for the Fraport-Spitze to the Finanzzahlen in those years with painful jewels in the hands of the Soul Spanners. So the Zinsen, Steuern and Abschreibungen (Ebitda) employee is now gauging from 1.26 billion euros to 1.36 million euros. For the Konzerngewinn for Minderheitsanteilen Dritter fast Schulte die Mitte der Spanne 435 Millionen bis 530 Millionen Euro ins Auge. dpa