
BVB: It’s exciting

Der klare 4:0-Heimerfolg am Samstag gegen de Mitkonkurrenten um de internationalen Plätze, the SC Freiburg, war sportslich seehr wichtig and duration of the Wogen at Borussia Dortmund angesichts der eher mäßigen Punkteausbeute in the Bundesliga (other than in the Champions League, in der der BVB sehr gut dasteht) geglattet haben. Heute now the Hauptversammlung des BVB an.

After the best financing of the Vereinsgeschichte in the Geschäftsjahr 2023/2024 with a Gain of 44 Million Euro and a Umsatz of 607 Million Euro said the BVB-Geschäftsführung at the Vorstellung der Zahlen in the last August.

The prior years can make a profit and yield a dividend of 6 cents. The SDAX has done a number of things that are necessary for the Corona pandemic to be a divided situation.

On the basis of the terms of reference of the Wahlen zum Aufsichtsrat der Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA. New in the Gremium is the evil BVB-Spieler and Manager Michael Zorc sees. The Dachverband der critical Actionäre will ask questions about the burdens of the Geschäftsführung. It is true that the part of the fans is one of the most important things with the rest club of Rheinmetall, the BVB that has been closed.

Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke would see the sport and its financing during the years of decline with the 2022/2023 season and the Champions League final in London against Real Madrid in a broader mirror. The BVB action starts at the beginning of the Corona pandemic, which resulted in major financial losses, nor for 9.30 Euro. This promotion can be carried out in November at a price of 3.00 Euro.

Borussia Dortmund
(WKN: 549309)

Sports resembles the season that is a harter camp, while the BVB follows the Champions-League qualification, which provides a huge financial financial benefit for the Verein, can be purchased. This is the Action that is being adjusted chart-wise. If you perform an action, this is not a problem.

With material from dpa-AFX