
We got an idea of ​​a Tiny House in the garden

We got an idea of ​​a Tiny House in the garden

We got an idea of ​​a Tiny House in the garden

Todd Kuchta (Mitte), his wife and his son, in front of his Tiny House.
Villa/Nicholas Miller

In 2023, Todd Kuchta will have a 44 square meter Tiny House in Seinen Hinterhof.

There is a home for his son Jacob, an autism counselor and no more chances.

Kuchta says it is a new home or residence in California.

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I am in 2023 with Todd Kuchta in a 44 square meter Tiny House in Seinen Garten. There is a home for my son Jacob, who has autism and cannot live a full life. Kuchta says it is a new house or a home in California.

My wife and I are in Napa, California with our 26 year old son Jacob. If there is a war going on for years, it is possible that autism, cognitive disorder (OCD) and a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHS) are diagnosed. Autism Spectrum has a Vielzahl von Merkmalen. The person was introverted and had a great interaction with social interaction, was one of the best of the fall.

Eine Luftaufnahme von Kuchtas Hinterhof.

Eine Luftaufnahme von Kuchtas Hinterhof.
Villa/Nicholas Miller

Jacob is a big baseball fan. There can be a stundenlang über Sport occur. There is a big chance that soda is a baseball game that can be practiced. Also mastered are two languages.

Jacob is living with many obstacles. There are no financial institutions financed yet, but it is an underlying interest that between 800 (721 euros) and 900 (811 euros) US dollars per month for a number of financial costs for the sale.

There is no car and needs Help at Putzen, Taking medicine, Shopping and Cooking. There is an uninteresting situation, but there are no typical adult divorces that can occur. Trotzdem can be an unresolved event.

Jacob wanted to look out

The Tiny House is absesenkt on the Grundstück.

The Tiny House is absesenkt on the Grundstück.
Thanks to Todd Kuchta

In the Laufe der Zeit it would be clear to my wife and my mother that Jacob has seen him. We live in a house with three cozy rooms and a bathing room, but there is still 93 quadratmeters on 557 quadratmeters with large floorboards. It is a large foundation piece that no longer exists.

If we bought our house in 1999, it would cost 175,000 dollars (157,760 euros). It would sell for more than 800,000 dollars (721,200 euros). It is the reality of the housing market in California. A new house that you can buy is anyway, the man is before you make the purchase or have a real estate.

If you use such real estate, you can not search any Häuser with a separate dwelling or apartment. Die particulier Räume hatten, were studios, often in a garage, with a small kitchen awning, but they were kleine vollständigen, particulier Wohnräume.

The costs for these properties are usually above 1.2 million dollars (1.08 million euros). If we sell our house and do some things, it has to be a higher Grundsteuern, which goes from 3,000 dollars (2,700 euros) per year to 12,000 dollars (10,820 euros) per year.

We will certainly live in comfort

The other Option, which in Betracht zogen, war bereutes Wohnen. A company is working on a research in the napa with fachpersonal, which on the campus lebt and Mahlzeiten offers and people with special beds hilft, the next step in the direction of a suspension that you can make. Because the state provides for this financial service, this dies, and the costs also do not fall under the family.

The art of the Unterstützung, the Jacob-benötigt, einschließlich a 24-hour Betreuung, lies for 9,000 Dollar (8,110 Euro) per month. If a family comes with a child, it is a part that no longer exists. If you want to know that Tatsache no longer wants, then Jacobs Leben can go in the direction of his life. Also my wife and stattdessen have a Tiny House (ADU) in our garden in the garden.

We built a Tiny House in the Unseren Garten

Jacob's decorated room.

Jacob’s decorated room.
Villa/Nicholas Miller

I spent years with my landratsamt, an information about the financing of financing people with their bed & breakfast and construction activities together.

Enter the Napa County Affordable ADU Program. This program is based on housing development and offers a solution for Darlehen, when one of the thoughts is going to last a great time for a year. There are a few building options for building a Tiny House. Man can build traditionally – the Land-räumen, a Foundation and the Gebäude for Ort erecten – or man can keep a Fertighaus separate, with the man of the Land-räumt, the Foundation lays and the House sweetly lässt.

Go to a Fertighaus

If we have a Fertighaus, we will make a fresh start and look at our building plans for a city in July 2023. At the end of October, the Bauarbeiten begins – in December the Einheit is finished.

The collection cost more than $248,000 (€223,570). The district will have a value of $63,000 (€56,790) when the Darlehen completes its sale, and with the Redwood Credit Union sisters, a sister of $160,000 (€144,240) has become a mortgagee.

Jacobs Zuhause is perfect for his cleaning

Der Außenbereich von Kuchtas Tiny House.

Der Außenbereich von Kuchtas Tiny House.
Villa/Nicholas Miller

When Jacobs Zuhause wages war, our friend is set up a einweihungspartij for him. The 44 square meter Tiny House is a one-room apartment with a full bath and a kitchen. There is a besthende terrace in the garden, soda man directly by an unused hint in the Einheit gehen can.

Wir haben das Haus im Baseball-Thema gestaltet

One of our friends wants to do that more as the typical standard for a huiskaufen, a Jacobs Zuhause so to get shapes, it is so that it works. The bathroom is gray and black, we are a Raiders fan and have the rest of the houses in the baseball theme shapes. The main room, if the kitchen is behind it, is in the colors of the Phillies with rotten background decoration. The bedroom hat of Raiders or Oakland A’s colors, with green and gold backgrounds. Jacob can tell everything – it is blue.

Let also

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It is unacceptable. Tatsächlich can the music sound like that, no matter how much he wants. For another part, Weeks was a Group of Friends in Abendessen. That Jacob has done everything, has had a huge chance for our family. Thanks to the federal federal state that there is a supplementary support service. A day of Independent Living Services (ILS) has found a best solution for the Week for homely support at Jacob. If the parents qualify for Supported Living Services (SLS), the Anzahl der Stunden, their homely support can be continued, increase.

Now there are eight students who have long been a betreuungsperson – and it’s not like they can buy, but it’s still a habitual hairstyle. Besides, my wife works as an IHSS provider (In-Home Support Services). If you want, Jacob in training the essentials, medications and ankles that you can help. If you experience stress, it’s hard to know that it can’t cause the non-emotional emotions, which are brutal.