
Cheftrainer mit Geldstrafe invests | Schönen Dunk

Cheftrainer mit Geldstrafe invests | Schönen Dunk

Benka Barloschky wants to play a sports match in the game of 02. November receives a ratiopharm with a fine of 1,500 euros. The head coach of Veolia Towers Hamburg has made the switch and the sports discussion has been found guilty. That is the way the Strafbemessung is viewed.

The easyCredit Basketball Bundesliga hat from Benka Barloschky weighs an unsportsmanlike gemäß § 21 BBL-SO with a monetary penalty of 1,500 Euro. The separation of the players from Dirk Horstmann war against the sports disziplin of the head coaches of Veolia Towers during the matches.

At the beginning of the easyCredit BBL height it is: I four four (with a rest time of 07:53 minutes) with Trainer Barloschky at an Auszeit das Mikrofon with Ton-Angel and TV-mitarbeiters shaken away, those of the Ton-Angel on the Brille was hit.

Die Entscheidung ergecht gemäß § 21 Abs. 4 BBL-SO iVm Ziffer 3.2.2. a) of the BBL Penal Catalogs. If the monetary penalty is punished, the trainer will be placed in the Anschluss and the TV programs will die guilty of and die in the writing of stellungnahme ausdrücklich wiederholt hat.

The Veolia Towers and head coach Benka Barloschky received a different right perspective.