
“Frustrierter” Nicolai separates after Krimi in the Vorrunde

“Frustrierter” Nicolai separates after Krimi in the Vorrunde

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“Frustrierter” Nicolai separates after Krimi in the Vorrunde

The Saarländer are happy to visit Tokyo in the Ko-Runde.

Nicolai war 2018 WM-Dritter

© IMAGO/Ralf Kuckuck/SID/IMAGO/Ralf Kuckuck Photography


The Saarländer are happy to visit Tokyo in the Ko-Runde.

Boris Nicolai is after a crime in Boccia-Wettbewerb of the Paralympic Games of Paris out. The Saarland plays a group that the Thai Pornchok Larpyen after 4:0-Führung still plays with 4:5 and that after the Auftaktniederlage in the Starting class BC4 no longer has a chance for the Viertelfinale. Nicolai hated to end the letzten that both gave the chance for the separated punkt zum Sieg, brought everything that Kugel nah genug and Ziel brought.

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“It’s a strange struggle to play a game. I feel like I can get a druck. I hate the chance, the bag zuzumachen. It’s very bad,” said Nicolai. That’s who we are in Tokyo, who lived there as a first German Boccia-Teilnehmer Geschichteschrieb, after the Vorrunde die Heimreise antreten müsse, sei “enormously frustrated, wenn man so long auf a Highlight hisarbeitet and then not purchase. I am everything else as glücklich.”

I show the group game the ebenfalls of the Ägypter Mahmoud Allam, it is a Saturday that is not at all on the platz drei. “There would be another goal, was there a chance”, said Bundestrainer Tobias Weber: “We think, that we bring the mindset back to 100 percent.” With a day off that with a victory and a new start of Anita Raguswaran still has the chance of victory in the Viertelfinale, a follow-up match for one of the two first-mentioned Plätze-reichen.