
Fischsterben: Polnische Behörden mountains tonweise tote Fische aus Stausee

Fischsterben: Polnische Behörden mountains tonweise tote Fische aus Stausee

In the Stausee Dzierzno Duze in Poland is nach Angaben polnischer Behörden tonsweise tote Fish be founded. See it near the other interspersed Glpeilzer channels. In the lost days, more than 14.5 tons of valuable fish were recovered, according to the leader of the schlesische Gebietverwaltung, Marek Wojcik. Work-related problems when treating water problems with a high concentration of more toxic Gold algae festivities.

If you want, you can be carried out in a connection between the stausee and the Gleiwitzer Kanal seien Barrières. If you prevent the goldfish and the fish in the canal and go to sleep in the other directions. There is a fact that you will see in the kommenden how the fish from Staubecken is won.

Since the year 1939, the Glvezele Canal is 41 kilometers long and connects the Upper Schlesische Großstadt Glrijderz (Gliwice) with the Grenzfluss Oder. During the summer war, a large Menge was recovered in the canal until the Finnish. The service organizes a preparation of the washers with Sauerstoff and.

In the aftermath of war, there is a great deal of fishermen legs came. Higher salt content, low water content, high temperatures and the poisonous golden algae Prymnesium parvum Were from an expert perspective that we are aware of the reasons for the environmental disaster. Die Verantwortlichen wurden nicht zur Rechenschaft sucken. Poland was developed, the Gründe für das Fischsterben zu schleiern.