
Olympic Games – Thanks Wolff: Deutschlands Handballer plays an Olympia-Gold – Sport

Olympic Games – Thanks Wolff: Deutschlands Handballer plays an Olympia-Gold – Sport

Lille (dpa) – The German handball player beat Torhüter Andreas Wolff in the final of the Olympic Games and secured the silver medal. Two days after the epics Erfolg über Topfavorit Frankreich besieged the young Auswahl of Federal coach Alfred Gislason on the Erfahrenen Spanier with 25:24 (12:12) and can ennoble the German Handball Festival on Sonntag (13.30 Uhr) with a maximum Gold-Coup .

Wolff advanced in his next Handball-Krimi with more than 20 Parades to Matchwinner for the DHB-Team. Gegner in the final of Lille has united the Slovenians and won the German country in the previous round, or Weltmeister Denmark. The final is the great success of the German handball player during Olympia-Silber 2004 in Athens, the WM-Triumph 2007 in the home country during the EM-Coup 2016.

In front of 20,000 fans in the war in Lille, the Überflieger Renars Uscins with his Tower was the best recruiter for Schwarz-Rot-Gold. In the run-up, the DHB team had beaten the Südeuropäer in a handball-krimi with 33:31. The Iberian Wars take place in the most important Olympic semi-final of the Niederlage.

After the Feldhandball-Gold at Olympia 1936 in Berlin ist der Erfolg der DDR-Auswahl 1980 in Moscow der bislang alle Titel een deutschen Hallenhandball-Mannschaft unter den fünf Ringen. 2004 in Athens should be the Auswahl with Stefan Kretzschmar and Henning Fritz in the final of the Croats history. Wolff and his Team Kollegen won Bronze for eight years in Rio.

Mal die Schulter, mal der Fuß

The dramatic Viertelfinal-Krimi in extreme heat. Kräfte costume. “Wir müssen irgendwieder auf die Beine kommen, um einigermaßen fresh in the half-final zu agieren”, gab Linksaußen Rune Dahmke daher as oberstes Ziel aus. If the war is unfounded, Müdigkeit’s war is not a Spur. The Abwehr war is hellish and cannot fall to the trump-resistant Wolff in the Tor-verlassen.

The Spaniard disappears in the first Halbzeit and DHB Keeper Andi Wolff. (Photo: Brian Entrya/AP)

Der 33 yrs ago was de beste Turnierleistung en parierte alleine in de premier Halbzeit elf Würfe der Spanier. Without the fusspitze, without the shield, without the help of the hand. My grand Auftritt woke the Spaniard during the election of the EM Final 2016, if he is reihenweise with the German Schlussmann-verzweifelten.

We would like to know that there are no further changes in the level of action and that there are a lot of chances to gain, but it is still scary. A quadruple jump for the DHB Team with the Pausenpfiff is a fact.

Four-count final hero Uscins is waiting

At the beginning of the second half you are waiting for Rückraum-Ass Uscins, the German country quickly in all access to the semi-finals. After four Rook of the Lefthanders, the DHB Team was absent at 6:16 PM. Insgesamt blieb de Chancenverwertung aber ausbaufähig. Anyway, weil Spaniens Goalkeeper Gonzalo Perez de Vargas is still welcome.

As there are more and more wars, Wolff can stop at his level. Things are hectic in the Schluss phase. Deutschland unterliefen nun vermehrt einfache Fehler. Uscins lost a Sieben meter. Rund neun Minuten voor Spielende Spanien first went into Führung (23:22). It is the greatest German handball drama – and wieder is a Happy Ending.

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