
Haftstrafe in Großbritannien roads Anstiftung zum Rassenhass im Netz

Haftstrafe in Großbritannien roads Anstiftung zum Rassenhass im Netz

Leeds: A court in the northern city that hangs in the right-wing radicals in the country of a man on 20 months is verteilt. From 28 years there are reports that Facebook Hass-Posts are visible. The judge is as there weeds a, that is this writing, a people to Engriffen auf a Hotel in Leeds anzustacheln, in the refugees were accommodated. It is the first travel route that starts on July 30 on the Rassenhass on Netz. This war is carried out by a deadly Messerangriff in Southport, after the false information about the mutmaßlichen Täter-kursierten. Those are a Muslim asylum claimant, who has born the fear in Wales.

Sendung: Bayern 2 Nachrichten, 09.08.2024 19:00 Uhr