
Jugendlager des Musikverein Dewangen

Jugendlager des Musikverein Dewangen

With the motto “Dschungel”, the Jungmusiker des Musikvereins Dewangen will take place from 02. – 09.08.2024 in the Jugendlager on the Wagnershof near Ellwangen. Zum Auftakt is one of the best ways to use the Gottesdienst in the Basilika in Ellwangen. I am Anschluss and there is no Platzkonzert on the Marktplatz statt yet. The guests were treated with pleasure and happiness.

These weeks will take 45 minutes for the game and the game in the break in the free time. Start with the sport and the common breakfast starts with the day. Then you will find the music labels statt. The gestalteten nachmittage with different games with Lagerolympiade, Geländespiel or Basteln lasts never fehlen. Traditionally you will find in the football game the Justizsportgemeinschaft Ellwangen with the existing „Linsen-und-Spätzle-Essen“ statt. Every day ends with common games of the perfect Minute or Montagsmaler. It is good that we all sit on the lower levels and sing songs.

Zum öffentlichen Abschlussabend am Freitag, 09. August at 19:00 Hours since all rights have been loaded. The best has been taken care of for the pleasant living experience.

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