
Oldenburgerinnen im Zweitliga-Rennen in Salzgitter with Sturzpech and disqualification

Oldenburgerinnen im Zweitliga-Rennen in Salzgitter with Sturzpech and disqualification

After three successful swimming competitions, the Oldenburg Triathletes are in four weeks a rabenschwarzen Day. But also bad luck and disqualification can not trüben the TCO-Teamspirit.

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Oldenburg/Salzburg – „This week I was very happy with my luck, I was happy with my Fall, we were a Team since“, the fastest Lilly Overberg vom 1. TCO de Wettkampf der Zweitliga-Triathletinnen in Salzgitter Zusammen, der für die Bärinnen nicht ganz spurlos vorbeigeleidingen ist. After sweating, driving and playing Platz, a 14th Platz followed.

Uberzeugten in Itzehoe: (from left) Finn von Schmeling, Julius Pilatus, Erik Rosenau, Mikkel Grotelüschen and Jakob Bloch vom 1. TCO “Die Bären”

First two days before the fourth season races were, after two short-term illness conditions, clear, who for the Oldenburg women and the start goes. So Leigh Knaap came to his debut in the second Bundesliga. The 25-year-old at the beginning of the season has not yet been a long distance, but now it must be a German distance. We went to the strong talent Overberg and Eva Detmers went to the start to let Kaija Budde start.

Over the four kilometer long Radstrecke (24 km) and 0.5 kilometer long Laufstrecke (5.5 km), the Bärinnen are happy that they all have their Stärken in the Disziplines. After 800 meters of swimming in the Salzgittersee, all athletes and racing groups can be financed. For all Budde, who was with Knaap as Lilly and Eva from the Wasser kam, konnte durch fell Führungsarbeit and hohem Tempo felle Athletinnen one- and overholen. The boy changed the Budde-Gruppe jedoch and had to go all the way.

We can see the two Kadeathletinnen Overberg and Detmers together in the first Verfolgergroep with Kurs on another Spitzenplatz – Overberg had more Top-Platzierungen in the first race. But then you might be able to rain down those streets. A Kreuzung war that the Group did not survive is about the further spread of the ties or after the link. It is a journey of discovery – and a great achievement for the positioning athlete. When Windschattenfahren was released in the Bundesliga races, the remaining athletes were behind the scenes, so they were more likely to be able to do so. In the next massacre all teams were involved – from the Bärinnen erwischte es Overberg. I think a number of others have been affected by the Oldenburger in his or her Wheel and many more. But not yet you have the Spuren vom Sturz davongetragen: Ihr geliebtes Rennrad must regeben a Speiche.

Detmers end up in a hairbreit of the Sturz herum and are the first to go to Bärin on the Laufstrecke. With a good lifestyle in your love list, those 16 years of life are completely disqualified. Detmers hatten – mitgenommen vom Sturz ihrer Teamkollegin – ihren Radhelm in der Wechselzone nicht in de afür vorgesehen Box gelegt en dafür a zeitstrafe cashier, ihre Startnummer aber am Strafzelt nicht gesehen and deshalb ihre Zeitstrafe nichtsgemäß während des Racing Verüßt.

Tina Deeken (left) and ihr Team in Stuhr

It also happens to the others. If the Oldenburger goes on the Laufstrecke, then he will be a boy – and will be happy to visit the Overberg after being able to enjoy the Sturz in the second Wechselzone and in the Laufschuhe and during his stay. “If I have been able to walk all the way through the golf course, I would be happier with my life and with my strong motivation, after which I would endure the kilometers,” said the 18-year-old team members: “I have always lived there.” I was happy and had my own family, but I was not very happy with it!” Neben dem “DSQ” von Detmers brought Budde and Knaap to 37. and 38. Place at 62-Teilnehmerinnen-Feld in the Wertung ein, was the letzten Platz in de teamwertung bedeutete.

While the boys have missed the Bärinnen-dennoch over the years, the positive points fell with: Who has an enormous team spirit and even more motivation for the last Wettkampf of the season in a beautiful Grimma on the last August Wednesday. “If the Sturz of Lilly the Wettkampf is an unbeautiful experience-gemachtshoed, ich mich auf das nächste Rennen in Grimma”, impressed Detmers of Bärinnen-Teamspirit.

Moves signal Rad meist with etwa 40 km/h in Schnitt: Triathlete Carsten Niederberger


No problem: the men's triathlon is no longer in service.

Mathias Freese