
Thuringia: Schäfertag zischen Romantik und banglar Realität

Thuringia: Schäfertag zischen Romantik und banglar Realität

Schäfertag zwichen Romantik und banglar Realität

Bladder value and level are in the young age of the look at schafe-gelenkt. Profi-Schäfer kämpfen with nor all other problems – that’s what you do with Schäfertag.

Hohenfelden (dpa/th) – Grasende von Schäfer und Hund gehütete Schafherden auf een Wiese became an ever seltener Anblick in Thuringia. Am Samstag (9:00 am) is in the Freilichtmuseum Hohenfelden at Thüringer Schäfertag die Opportunity, Schäfer und Schafe in Aktion zu erleben. At the Landesmeisterschaft der Thüringer Schäfer, the tile must be used with his own dog and a friend to do his shopping and sending.

Then you have a problem with the Schäfertag, which was shaved off Schafe and spun into your Wolle world. Guests could see various Schaf and Ziegen breeds and purchase a standard product cattle from Schaf.

Derweil has professional shepherds with perhaps challenges to contend with, such as the presiding officer of the state association of Thuringian shepherds, Jens-Uwe Otto, says. If the job is confronted with a better job and a business venture, it is often the case that the service may become overloaded. Once it is that far, it becomes a young person, who becomes woolly anyway. So it is a matter of spending more time on the regional separation in the presiding officer of the state championship.