
Thuringia: Communes fighting with Fachkräftemangel

Thuringia: Communes fighting with Fachkräftemangel

Commune camps with Fachkräftemangel

The Wirtschaft is ready to start, but it is possible to achieve such qualifications. The next steps can take the hamburger. Especially in a city is the mangel groß.

Altenburg/Erfurt/Gera (dpa/th) – The task force is increasingly being charged to the Thuringian municipal authorities. “The low can be active in a certain situation,” says Christian Bettels of the Altenburg municipal administration.

Also in Jena, Gera, Erfurt, Suhl and Eisenach are low in the air. For all personal specializations – these are high-quality, but also in social and in IT-area or at the fire brigade were a number of communal problems at the personal profit reported. If you make the right choice in all cases, it is possible to find the right position on the market: if you want more benefits for your money, there is a search or internal shifting, a postponed abolition.

In Altenburg the eleven Stellenausschreibungen aus fast alle Bereichen der Stadtverwaltung, i.e. Bettels. Bereits jetzt sei aber abzusehen, that is the Personal Bedarf in the coming Years during the various älterer Mitarbeiter became stiffened. Ebenfalls auf eleven unbesetzte Stellen comet de Stadt Eisenach. Grundsätzlich sei the Bewerberlage in the past Monaten dort ever become lighter. Dennoch may be interested, but all couples will quickly be setzen, says a spokesperson from the city. If the bearbeitungszeiten have a high probability, it is likely that they have read the studies in the library.

Job tickets and Home Office as Anreize

In Suhl it has happened in the manchen that there are two or more workers, a geeignete Mitarbeiter zu find, so Sprecher Steven Bickel. Couples plan to do everything in the processing of a service, which has performed the same full time 16 times. “Grundsätzlich müssen Arbeitgeber auch im öffentlichen Service ever more beets, damn at all Bewerbungen eingehen.” These directions from Job Tickets and Fahrraders to Financial Assistance for Home Office Solutions.

“De Stadtverwaltung is het most Fachkräftemangels grundsätzlich workfähig”, fastest Sprecherin Heike Dobenecker die Lage der Erfurter Stadtverwaltung jijsammen. Gerade in the Berufsgruppen, which are part of the services of the service are fragmented and often besser bezahlt seien, sei der Mangel aber besonders spürbar. So it’s not like most of them are new sachgebietsleiter for the Unix engagement systems – nothing is even a problem here. Grundsätzlich is all reached with specific Anforderungen and the Bewerber “Herausforderungen bei der Gewinnung.”

In Gera there is an unbesetzt Fünftel der Couples

Most of the privacy is greater than in Gera. You can appeal to the joint Verwaltung verteilt aktuell 188 unbesetzte Arbeitsplätze. Beneath the Strich is a funtel of Stellen nicht besetzt, we can mention other Abwesenheitsgründe with Krankheit, Elternzeit or Urlaub. The situation in the Haushalts arose in the Geraer-verwaltung of an installation stop that was carried out in July 2024. The current situation will be based on the founding legends of the city administration: Wer derzeit een termin in Bürgerservice wolle, müsse bis zum Oktober warten, hieß es.

In Jena a Speaker would be responsible for 40 places at a time. Before you are in the social area, you go to the Housing Office to the Engpasse. When the normal operation of the Bürgerservice takes place, you betray the Wartzeit in the Fahrerlaubnisbehörde aktuell fünf Wochen, so that the Standesamt longer Wartzeiten for Beurkundungen becomes. Especially by the state security provision: here 12 and 14 months at a time will be worked.