
Warum de Tesla-Aktie Teil des “Trump-Handels” ist | 10.08.24

Warum de Tesla-Aktie Teil des “Trump-Handels” ist | 10.08.24

American electric car manufacturer Tesla uses electric cars with themes such as intelligent intelligence and robotization. It won’t be long before Tesla boss Elon Musk has an Unterstützer with a Washington hat with Donald Trump.

• Tesla lowers Geschäftsmodell for AI and Robotics
• Musk supported Trump – Trump supports Musk
• Wedbush analyst Dan Ives: “Tesla ist Teil dies Trump-Handels”

Tesla’s Verlagerung des Geschäftsmodells

Tesla Chief Elon Musk According to analysts who started years ago, the American electric car manufacturer was no longer an electrical car manufacturer, which would later work as KI-Robotikunternehmen. “If you see Tesla now as a car enthusiast, that is an incorrect Rahmen,” says MarketWatch Musk Wieder. “If a man who states falsely, is the right answer unmöglich.”

Steve Levine, who collected the information for the information, has discovered the price and the stagnant effect of the electric current, which has made a representation of the models for the Musk group, which is an undeniable reward. There is no doubt that Musk is no longer aware of the climate walking concentration, and that man will compensate that his gasoline-powered cars can generate electric energy. According to Musk’s view, Tesla has a 10-billion-dollar company on making. There is a way to find the best way to focus on AI and the robot.

Musk supports Trump

This version of Tesla’s electric models of electric cars made by AI and automation may have become lighter by Musk, US President Donald Trumps has informed the US President Donald Trump’s CEO of the climate walking hat. If you take a walk that helps you, the next sieges of the Republikaner will be carried out in November, with the subsequent tax cut for buying the best electrical appliances that can be used once. The Tesla boss has now inflicted “slight” damage on the American electric car manufacturer. For Tesla competitors, the following messages on the day look “magnificent”, MarketWatch reports.

Trump supports Musk

It seems that Musk has an understudy in Washington with Trump. So the American president has criticized the electric cars and has been informed: because the electronics will no longer function in the future, MarketWatch can call on an investigation by Musk and an investigation into Tesla’s vehicles as ” unbelievable “, but “not in everyone’s business “. Because Trump was a favorite at the Wahlsieg in Gilded November, he could also choose Musk, nor as a volunteer, but the American presidents let it be known that Tesla would have used his AI and Automation business.

“Under the Biden administration war, Musk would be hinting now, but in a Trump administration, this would be more in the forefront,” Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said in an interview with CNBC. “That’s why I was told, Tesla is part of the Trump administration.”

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Image source: Ken Wolter /,Frontpage /,Sergio Monti Photography /,Ilya B. Mirman/Getty Images