
Citizen allowance: 50 years of living allowance – sonst klopft Jobcenter an

Citizen allowance: 50 years of living allowance – sonst klopft Jobcenter an

In the Mannheimer Benz-Baracken, the everyday life is often imprinted with poverty and deprivation. The RTL2 broadcast “Hartz and Herzlich” has made a brief click in the life of man, whereby a swinging settlement camp and a state-supported enterprise, which is a citizen’s money, are angewischen.

It seems that it is worth drawing the conclusion and letting the social Brennpunkt hint that he read. But der Weg Dorthin is not lonely.

Citizen money: Ela will come from the Brennpunkt

The Benz-Baracklerin Ela and his friend Beate are not the best of friends, but they will remain in the middle of the social documentary “Hartz and Herzlich” longer. Trotz Nachbarin Beate fühlt sich die dreifache Mutter in ihrem aktuellen Umfeld nicht mehr wohl.

If you no longer rent your home in a problem, we will give the 50-year-old age a new chance. Knapp 900 Euro currently costs the Jobcenter a month for Ela. But the Umzug has no other grounds.

Citizen money: Ela fürchtet a Jobcenter-Konsequenzen

Gerade should mumble the dreifache with his son and his friend-sister. The young couple plant allergies, bald auszuziehen. Damit where the active Wohnung for most of life and the biggest problem is, is the problem with the Jobcenter that offers it. Before you also start using a new and smaller article, you can best proceed in that way yourself.

+++Burgergeld: 50-Years of Wird Kündigt – der Grund Kracht fassungslos+++

But the Way out of the problem is everything that is different. The housing market is booming and payable housing is rare. Ela, the state aid that a citizen money has received, must be thirty-eight after a new home, and that small in the budget of the job centers is over.

It’s a party in the Benz-Baracken-Innerhalle next month. Is it a suitable solution in your time to find your bedrinners when the offered vacancies of the job centers are focused?

RTL2 said the following “Hartz und Herzlich – Tag für Tag aus de Benz-Baracken” jeden Tag from 4:05 PM in the program or in Vorfeld in the Mediatheek at RTL+. Aktuell says the sender Wiederholungsfolgen.