
Children do not know much about themselves, but they are better able to work in their jobs

Children do not know much about themselves, but they are better able to work in their jobs

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The situation in a Kita in the Ebersberg region evolves within a half year completely. Die Eltern stehen für einem Scherbenhaufen. The Christian Trager will achieve everything, it was true.

In Bayern since über 60 Prozent der Kinder in Kindergarten und Kindertagesstätten von einer unzureichenden Betreuung betroffen, reformerufen durch een Mangel an Personal. The problem is not new and the happiness in the relationship is always greater. Particularly spürbar wird dies in ländlichen Gebieten, wie beisplayelsweise in Vaterstetten, wo Elternproteste stattfanden, or in Egmating, wo a local Träger that Betreuung übernehmen must.

Not service is available in the Kita in the Ebersberg region oft.
Not service is available in the Kita in the Ebersberg region oft. © Eckhard Stengel/Imago

Horror-Kita nahe Munich: Personalwechseln, Ausfälle, Kündigungen

In der Gemeinde Aßling die Situation is especially tense. Since October 2023, we will be visiting the children’s homes of St. George for a better treatment of the situation. Die Eltern messages von ständigem Personalwechsel, Ausfällen und Kündigungen. The care of the children cannot be more secure, or since the children are free to spend their time in the Kindergarten, they are better served by those who are absent. Entwicklungspräche finden nicht statt, die Vorschule kann nicht ordnungsgemäß durchgeführt were and Vollzeitstellen were durch Teilzeitstellen ersetzt. Those children will be able to recognize their Möglichkeit, ihre Erzieher, who will solve their own problems.

Obwohl that Eltern fell zu sagen haben, no one might be personally annoyed. They are erected and can be welded into place. See you soon for your conversations with the children’s gardens, the Munich Erzbistum and Freising, and the community. You have to deal with the problems in the community that arises, but you have to live with it, without having to worry about it. If you show your faith, you are of the community without any doubts and the responsibility you have for your progress.

That was the great joy: In January 2022, the experience of the Kinderhauses Sankt Georg in Aßling was celebrated with a great Summer Festival. Mittlerweile ist die Personalsituation prekrär.
That was the great joy: In January 2022, the experience of the Kinderhauses Sankt Georg in Aßling was celebrated with a great Summer Festival. Mittlerweile ist die Personalsituation prekrär. © Stefan Rossmann

Kirchlicher Träger: “Gibt no schnellen Lösungen”

Das Bistum, als Träger der Kindertageseinrichtung, sieht sich großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. “The management team is also responsible for the development of state-oriented solutions and solutions in a freer process with a major problem, so that the necessary solutions can be obtained.” neues Personal zu find. „and they will be well-founded: since April, more business and education in full time, since July, more business in business, a new education, in September we will have more education and business in business and education. Eine noch free Stelle ist ready to be written.”

Der Elternbeirat jedoch, because of the fact that they fell Teilzeitkräfte no one else has an over-view hat, who is in the Kindergarten tatsächlich aufgestellt. Eine neu eingestellte Vollzeitkraft fiel nach zwei Wochen wieder aus. If you are involved in the management of your efforts and progress, you can continue to work on your success during your work.

Situation deteriorates dramatically in the future – Bürgermeister „sehr unzufrieden“

The situation in the kindergarten has drastically deteriorated within a year. 60 Prozent des ursprünglichen Personals since nicht more da und die Eltern fühlen sich unwohl, ihre Kinder dort abzugeben. Sie fordern urgent Improvements. “We are in a situation where we are happy, fully satisfied with our relationship with each other and who cares about the well-being of our children, who are responsible for the quality of our lives and our loved ones, as well as for the care of our citizens,” according to the Bürgermeister von Aßling, Hans Fent.

“Nicht zu vergessen der hohe Stresslevel der berufstätigen Eltern, die Planungssicherheit für ihren Alltag beötigen und ohne gesicherte Kinderbetreuung ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit nicht nachkommen.” Some reasons are that I have lost a job, but they are sorry for their children. Other Eltern, who could live in their home, would be happy with their children. Die Kinder selbst lead ebenfalls unter der Situation. Only a few who were willing to work, are now one and a half. They spend a few nights at night and stay in the morning under their bed, but they don’t spend time in the Kindergarten.

Träger: “Hoffen, that we recognize our needs”

On the basis of the Frage, after a fast period of time, no further improvements have been made, the response to the Trager: “Es wurden alle Möglichkeiten ausgeschöpft, die zur Verfügung standen. We are happy, because we are able to cope with our problems and recognize them, but we are still unable to cope with the problem of having problems with the health of our customers.” This is more personal.