
Italian worries about “Rüpel-Tourismus”: Milliardär besetzt Urlaubsinsel

Italian worries about “Rüpel-Tourismus”: Milliardär besetzt Urlaubsinsel

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Italian worries about “Rüpel-Tourismus”: Milliardär besetzt Urlaubsinsel
Milliardär lässt Private party and strong geschütztem Strand on Sardinen anstalten. © Amici di Talmone en Cala di Trana/Facebook

Before the crew makes a millennium yacht in Sardinia a sheltered beach for a private party in Beschlag, with a number of following activities.

Palau – The coast of Sardinia has a vermutliche Strand des Mittelmeers zu bieten. The large Italian islands shine with azure blue waters, bizarre seascapes, flamingo-occupied lagoons and finally sand beaches. In the summer months the Ferienidylle is located in Hochsaison. Before the Costa Smeralda you will see the Palau and Olbia in the north of the inland coast, you will see the Reichen and Schönen. Ihre glittering yachts lie in the harbor.

A US-Milliard is such a sich am Sonntag (28. July) a small Western purchase from Palau for an Ausflug with a 60 meter long Luxusboot aus. The yacht can reach the Passenger and 13 Mann Besatzung. Price: 60 Million Dollars, business costs three to six million dollars per year. Am Strand von Talmone is a beach party. The crew of the yacht, that laut For the past 60 years, we have had a Sandwich Kette, returned for years to come with Badegäste mit Motorschlauchbooten as well as on the beach pavilions, a beach volleyball net, beach loungers, a stereo system, a grill station, etc.

Eklat um Milliardär-Party in Italy: Yacht crew never geschützten Sardinia-Strand in Beschlag

If the exclusive products are illegal, the beach is a nature conservation area. So it is not possible to set up sunshades, sunshades or furniture. Make sure you have a beach towel and a few practical things. The stand of Talmone is working on the boat, the community on one of the trees has seen a clear barrier, report on the nature conservation committee Amici of Talmonte and Calda Di Trana at Facebook. “On the beach we were spared,” he is done. The Naturschützer since itself: “Trotz der Verbote der Strandverordnung der Region Sardinien soorgt der Rüpel-Tourismus mit seiner Arroganz weiter für Negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt.”

The coast guard of the luxury yacht on the lake ab.
The coast guard of the luxury yacht on the lake ab. © Amici di Talmone en Cala di Trana/Facebook

The active films of the game and playing the kitchen are a fact. Due to the illegal traffic, the Jet-Jet-Party war by the Schnellboot, the equipment has to be transported. “Vor de Felsen des Strandes von Talmone gibt is een riesige Seegras-Prärie, die für das Meereskosystem and the Kampf gegen die Stranderosion von grundlegender Bedeutung”, erklärt Myriam Stelletti der Agentur Answerwhoso the Strand is so sensitive. Sie ist Forscherin an der Universität von Sassari und Mitglied des Komitees.

Rüpelhaftes Verhalten von Italien-Urlaubern: Yacht-Besitzer fallen immer wieder auf

Der Vorfall is nur trauriger Höhepunkt een Kette ähnlicher Ereignisse: 2023 has anchored a French Katamaran directly über der Seegrasprärie and brought Dutzende Touristen von Bord. “Danach settlten wir den Antrag and de Hafenbehörde von La Maddalena, een Bojenkabel 200 Metern vom Strand entfernt zu shy. Die Gemeinde Palau lehnte den Antrag ab“, so Stellletti repeats. The swimming groups of 2018 are happy to welcome visitors and tourists for their courses with appropriate schools and general activities for environmental protection.

We spent a few days on a boat with a 30-meter yacht on the small Insel Soffi in the Maddalena National Park Tische, Sonnenschirme, Essen and everything, was loaded for a party of brauchte. Stelletti: “Jedes Jahr became with the Zeugen der Ankunft dieser ungehobelten Menschen. “2023 went to Cala Coticcio on the protected Insel Caprera Tourists with everything, it was so brauchten, von Bord, to spend one more day in all comfort. “Others hate the rosafarbenen Strand der geschützten Insel Budelli trotz stricten Betretungsverbotes zum Baden missbraucht.”

In Spain it is possible to build a luxury yacht for large companies, because a beach exists. In Greece we have a special experience with the “Sonnenschirmmafia”, the illegal Strände bean sprout. The Croatian Halbinsel Istrien stöhnt a flute from Schwarzbauten ausländischer Besitzer und de Küsten.