
Hoteleinsturz in Germany: Zweite Leiche salvaged

Hoteleinsturz in Germany: Zweite Leiche salvaged

Four days after the hotel stay in Kröv an der Mosel in the German Federal Rhineland-Palatinate is that both Leiche are saved. This concerns the hotel manager, teilte de Polizei in Trier mit. The man and a woman had come to the Unglück am späten Dienstagabend ums Leben. The tote Frau war bereits am Mittwoch aus den Trümmern be holt.

Before these men’s mountain range gets any bigger, the hotels must be demolished. Der Grund: Das Gebäude galts the Gutachter as a grim einsturzgefährdet. Let the Tote be one of the few stelle.

Etage des Hotels were in themselves completely destroyed

In the hotel in the Moselort war a complete Etage in his zusammengebrochen. If you the zwei no longer see, go to the stunden from the Trümmern-gerettet-wurden. Try to find it a little fun.

A good idea is that I have an image of the low power in the Donnerstag. There is talk of an Abriss, one of the largest mountains you can earn. Die Unglücksursache is not clear. The Staatsanwaltschaft has a todesermittlungsverfahreneingeleitet and the Gutachter damit beauftragt, herauszufinden, wie das Unglück passeren konnte.