
Leiser FSV Zwickau comes with 1500 Schlachtenbummlern!

Leiser FSV Zwickau comes with 1500 Schlachtenbummlern!

The FSV Zwickau plays in Bezirksderby in Sonntag at Chemnitzer FC. Zum Spiel travel 1500 FSV fans an.

Zwickau – “The game is won over will, mentalität and einstellung!”, said head coach Rico Schmitt (55) before the Bezirksderby beim Chemnitzer FC. Those who are neither tor- nor punctuated Swan Versprechen dem Club einen heißen Tanz, wenngleich man weiss, that the roles clearly since.

1500 fans were in the guest block of the Gellertstadion-mächtig Stimmung machines.

1500 fans were in the guest block of the Gellertstadion-mächtig Stimmung machines. © Photo point/Gabor Krieg

“Chemnitz is not yet an entrepreneur and started with four young people, who have neither a bisnake nor the success experience. The wool that goes to Derby, we are the pressure now even greater,” says sports director Robin Lenk (40).

In Zwickau they competed for the Schlagerspiel in the Gellert Stadium Leise Töne, the views of the Saisonstarts were little surprised. 0:7 Tore and zero It’s a classic Fehlstart.

“If one of the leaders in the Derby and the unpacking of the hand can be a man who can bring about a recovery,” Lenk is aware.

Schlüsselburg fell out, Somnitz attacked

Chief trainer Rico Schmitt (55).

Chief trainer Rico Schmitt (55). © Photo point/Gabor Krieg

The own Anhang-wird is one of the most important ways in which the Bock plays a major role on the Sonttag. Immerhin 1500 Schlachtenbummler was anreisen.

Schmitt: “That is a sensational Zahl, which improves our Leistung. That is a great experience in Chemnitz and a good comeback with quality!”

The forms have been passed over in the last two weeks. If the FSV coach does one of the following things with the Greifswald-Heimspiel, he will remain behind.

FSV fans machen Mannschaft Druck: "Do we understand that?!"
FSV Zwickau
FSV fans machen Mannschaft Druck: “Haben wir uns intellecten?!”

Dabei überzeugte for everyone Felix Schlüsselburg (23) as army chief. Ausgerechnet is fehlt am Sonntag erkrankt, soft drink Schmitt seine Mannschaft erneut umstellen muss.

A hint of the end of the old schlagen Max Somnitz (21) is nor a small fragment.