
Celebrate winterheart Bodendecker, the great Blüten-tragen

Celebrate winterheart Bodendecker, the great Blüten-tragen

  2. To live
  3. Living

Bodendecker is a pflegeleicht and can warm up a few flächen. Winterharte sorts all year round – and take pictures of their blue sky.

A cared for garden, blooming all year round and requiring little care, is the dream of many gardeners. Winterharte Bodendecker is the ideal solution here. If you have a dense teppiche, it is no longer possible to extract the liquid from the device. If it is robust and opaque, it is the ideal way to create a personal garden power.

Was zeichnet winterharte Bodendecker from?

Winterharte Bodendecker survives the Winter in the garden without any problems. If you go through the robust and high-quality and a different state of affairs can do, this is in the sun, in the halbschatten or in the schatten. Viele or winterharten Bodendecker is immersed in the wintergreen. Once it is so far, the Pflanzen is brought into the garden in the coming years in the course of time and the color is brought into the garden.

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Vier empfehlenswerte winterhart Bodendecker, which is blue

Sand-Thymian (Thymus serpyllum) as Bodendecker im Steingarten.
When the winter flowers bloom, the bottoms of the Sand-Thymian (Thymus serpyllum) are heard. © imagebroker/de Cuveland/Imago

If the Bodendecker has only just reached winter heart, but it still does not flower in the summer, work with the following plants for your garden:

  • Bodendecker-Thymian: The wintergreen Sand-Thymian (Thymus serpyllum) is suitable for the dull, rosafarbenen to violet flowers, which appear from June to August. There is a location and a long-lasting, dry soil. Due to the lack of prices, the Bodendecker-Thymian stopped most Schädlinge fern – lediglich Blattläuse happen in the Zeit zu Zeit, wie My beautiful garden informed.
  • Polster flame flower (Phlox subulata): The Polster-Flammenblume, like Teppichphlox, appears in May and June dense Polster from star-shaped flowers. It is best to look for a fresh, stony soil and a location. A back cut to the flower promotes the formation of new flower buds.
  • Small Immergrün (Vinca minor): The Kleine Immergrün is a zuverlässiger Bodendecker with flchem ​​Wuchs and glänzendem, immergrünem Laub. It is blue in color from April to May and covered with the soil densely. Vinca minor develops experimentally into medium-sized soil and humus-rich soils. This is ideal for edge protection and as a grab-and-go feature.
  • Kissing aster (Aster dumosus): The Kissen-Aster is intended for its new colors in the different colors, which appear from August to October. It is very robust and suitable for standorte. Laut Plantura garden The picture is that it is very easy to remove a fire extinguisher and remove some of the regularity.

The selection of the right ground cover depends on the specific beds and locations in your garden. Sogar Beeren reads as ground cover nuts. Winter-hard ground cover has no aesthetic advantages, but is reduced to the care requirement. With the right selection, you can create an attractive and attractive garden all year round.