
A Kühlschrank will improve the lifespan of life

A Kühlschrank will improve the lifespan of life

A young man and a mother mumble as they die, empty a brother and another human being. Kurz daraufnet ein Mann mittleren Alters die Tür, begutachtet das Brot, holt außerdem aine Schachtel with Keksen heraus, jedoch everything wieder zurück. There’s a moment when I can’t do it anymore.

The three people in Bern have an appointment with “Madame Frigo” – with the kühlenden Dame for communal food. In the Swiss capital, the woolly woman is in shape a schranke and verschied Orten. If you hold up an Abteil-frei for life, the abgekühlt müssen, and one of the only, which is not useful.

Everything from alcohol and meat is available

Is the function of the Concept a fact: Have you perhaps bought a Lebensmittel? Are you traveling in the holiday home and the house, life or the joghurt, where would you go further? Or do you want the way home and take another snack? Then every and every Essen, the geestbar ist, can deposit in the Schränken or serve themselves. Free, perform the hour, or log in, castle or password.

“Mushrooms, fruit, bread, lost products and products that still have their expiration date must be reintroduced”, explains Marilen Zosso, Managing Director of “Madame Frigo”. Alcohol is a daily taboo, but cooking time is not only for children, but also for children. “If the kitchen does not have a one hundred percent guarantee, it is one of the biggest positions that is not there, that the meat or fish is reintroduced.”

So some lifesavers were recruited away

The project has achieved its goal “in the fight against food waste”, which took place in the 30th century. By “food waste” people understand the diversion of food, which was lost or thrown away on the way from the acker to the counter. For example, apples, it is not that, or the carrots, the crumbs are. But also food, die in storage halls or the transport of transport further, count on that.

The Verschwendung of Lebensmitteln is no longer a problem of the industry. In der Schweiz are 28 Prozent davon aufs Konto von Privathaushalten. Täglich zijn schätzungsweise 250 Gramm Lebensmittel pro Person verschwendet; That has been over 90 kilograms since the year. In Germany it is now a question of: here a sandwich in the schnitt pro Jahr 78 Kilogramm Lebensmittel is gone.

At the private house “Madame Frigo” is an appelliert and more sensitive – with inheritance. From the year we spend our lives, we are happy with the quality of our lives. Zosso: “2023 could benefit from 200 tons of resources for the future maintenance.”

I am Ehrenamt against Verschwendung

It is a project for new years, as four students in Bern, who live together and the first years of study requirements. If you are a common useful company, the best expenses and sponsorship of a different partner, this whole financial world is another by the Haushaltsgeräte-Repairer Electrolux, who sets the Kühlschränke zur Verfügung.

The project has been started since 2018 due to the state of affairs in Switzerland, Switzerland. “Möglich machen es über 500 volunteer Helferinnen und Helfer”, says Geschäftsführerin Zosso. “Other people can control the kitchen and organize the kitchen.” Your “Madame Frigo” was mourned by three or four volunteers.

Das Projekt wachse organic, concrete Zosso. “The initiative, an open-ended approach, comes from the private individuals, communities or institutions that support us.” Der Verein setle de Kühlschrank zur Verfügung, unterstütze with communications material and clear everything right ab.

Wenn Leere a guts Zeichen ist

If you have a little trouble learning or learning the Kühlschrank quickly. “The soul is not that the Kühlschranks are full, except that the new food quickly disappears again”, said Zosso. Helpers and helpers keep the regularity of life at the loading, and are at the back-eggs, and are satisfied with the Kühlschranks. “Maybe it lasts less than a hour – and the Kühlschrank is learned again.” Gerade in the large cities of Bern and Zurich became the largest city in the country.

Also learn a gouge Zeichen. The Zahl der Standorte lies inzwischen bei 150. “Wir ken weltweit kein Project, das so funktioniert who Madame Frigo in der Schweiz”, said Zosso. In other states they imposed stricter lifestyle laws for the Austausch von Essen. Auch der Name ist übrigens schweizerisch – Frigo bedeutet auf Berndeutsch “Kühlschrank”.

The Welternährungsorganisation FAO was estimated to have lost 1.3 billion tonnes of waste. It is the “Foodwastage Footprints” study of the welfare organization in the year 2013. That has happened, this is a Drittel allerzeugten that Lebensmittel has lost, while 870 million people are going hungry. Germany power dabei keine Ausnahme. Denn jeder Deutsche wirft pro Jahr 83 Kilogramm Lebensmittel im Wert von 235 Euro weg.