
Olympia in Paris – Nach Botschaft für Frauenrechte: Breakerin disqualifiziert – Sport

Olympia in Paris – Nach Botschaft für Frauenrechte: Breakerin disqualifiziert – Sport

Paris (dpa) – Afghan Breakerin Talash was disqualified after his victory for Frauenrecht in his homeland at the Olympia premiere of Dance Sports. The 21-year-old had presented a bright blue banner with the inscription “Free Afghan Women” (“Befreit Afghanische Frauen”) during their run on Friday. The World DanceSport Federation was called out by a “political slogan” and disqualified by the athlete. They wage war in the qualification of the competitions, so that they can be played sportingly.

Talash, whose civilian name is Manizha Talas, is his father after the Taliban came to power and is active in Paris as an air force member of the Flüchtling.

Political disputes have put athletes at the Olympic competitions. For the Games in Tokyo 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has changed Rule 50.2 of the Olympic Charter. If there is a protest, the principles of Olympism will be ended, it is “not directly or indirectly that people, states, organizations and/or their law” and other athletes are not thrown into their previous.

Talash joined Olympia on the Place de la Concorde is a special four-place Dutch country in India. The judges are an incentive for India. I am busy breaking the following B-Girls, which you can make three rounds. Ben End each round is judged by a jury according to five criteria. If most runs win, they besiege the battle.

Dreaming in the homeland

Talash war in August 2021, when Islamic fundamentalists dominate power in Afghanistan, with their damals zwölf Jahre alten Bruder nach Pakistan geflohen. “If I had been in Afghanistan, I would not have lived it,” the BBC said. “I have to wait for my death to end.” In the Hometown of Kabul, the Todesdrohangen is here.

Break the first steps in the program of the Olympic Games. Through the dance sport, the rise of the hip hop hat, the whole young audience has started for the summer. All kinds of things can become an Olympic competition. While Paris had decided to host Breaking, the coming hosts Los Angeles Softball and Baseball. Breaking 2028 is therefore not in the Olympic program, from 2032 in Brisbane with a chance.

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