
ProSieben read at “The Race” German Influencer in Africa about Money Betteln

ProSieben read at “The Race” German Influencer in Africa about Money Betteln

Laurens Saggau says: “The people here are so friendly.” The YouTuber, the current ProSieben-Format “The Race” is now available in Morocco and is now free of money or hands, so you will be amazed by the Hilfsbereitschaft. der Menschen vor Ort: “That is unglaublich. That is not so noticeable in Europe that there is more passion. That Moroccan is such a good guy.”

The rules for the most recent legislation and regulations, which are sufficient with YouTube and at ProSieben from 10. August jewelery samstags in Vorabendprogramm zu seen, fallen knapp aus: “I have a great deal of money, Not handy and completely ready even when alone. While, if Erster in Cologne, wins the game“, the sending begins.

Laurens Saggau had four other YouTube celebrities take part in the experiment: Daniel Ngl, Brian Jakubowski, Dave Henrichs and Jovan Uljarevic.

“I am still neither aggressive nor happy with money.”

Five white men from Germany too, who find themselves playing without help from the Moroccan port city of Tangier on the way to Cologne. It is possible that it is the case that in the first episode there is talk of a period in which the unity of the Einheimisch is. “Ich hab’ das Taxi bezahlt, du necesser nichts zu bezahlen”, he agrees, and so Brian Jakubowski traveled by Taxi to a Bus, for this Ticket is thanks to an expense of a Moroccan ebenfalls nothing must be paid. “They are all so neat here”, Jakubowski has thought.

Once you have performed the experiment, you can perform the experiment yourself by switching on the hand chamber, increasing the power. “Ich muss nach Tanger Med. Ich habe kein Geld für ein Taxi”, spricht en Laurens Saggau on Französisch een Mann op de Straße een. It was not so long ago that a taxi and a taxi ride no longer had a taxi in hand: “I can spend my money. Er would bring you to the station, damn you can take a further taxi.”

Dave Henrichs has said that he has been “written that he is not a Moroccan in the Geldfrage”. In the context of the competition, there are moral considerations, as Germans in Morocco have financial implications: “It is not a matter of course, but for such a project, it is not necessary to do so.” Henrich’s celebrations, that is a comparison – ohne Vorbehalte bettelnden – Kontrahenten deutlich schlechter vorankommt. “I am still not aggressive and angry after money.”

Influencer hits hearty tourists

More information about Daniel Ngl, if you plan differently: In a hotel a smaller job is found. Statistics of the Receptionist are a Schein from the Kasse – very much for the sake of the Influencers: “I would do this. I would like to work – but I have just printed money in my hand.”

Another Strategy follows Jovan Uljarevic. Those who use the most YouTube collections are Passers-by in Almosen, spread across European and US-American tourists. “Pech für dich”, which means a Swiss tourist is a clear absence. “We have no money left.” But Uljarevic remains heart-broken – with follow-up. After a long and long term betteln with the Content Creator, both men can be the best to get a Fährenticket done. There is something to be said: anyway the Scandinavian people seem altruistically happy. It is no longer possible to do this.

On Samstag, August 17, 4:35 p.m., enjoy your time with your friends. Unaltered graduated streams can be displayed on Joyn and YouTube.

The Original is the Betteln “ProSieben lässt bei “The Race” German Influencer in Africa with Money Betteln” comes from Teleschau.