
Jetzt wirklich? The Fußgängerzone starts in Haidhausen

Jetzt wirklich? The Fußgängerzone starts in Haidhausen

Haidhausen – Stubborn sollte es schon am 29. July released. The Zweite Bürgermeister Dominik Krause war, a Reason to stop, is live music and free music. Aber die Fußgängerzone in Weißenburger Straße would not work.

Make sure to keep an eye on a planned stop. A joint decision of six commercial operators has been issued by the District Attorney. He has filed a complaint with the Administrative Court on the matter of termination. “The start is out of our sight unjustified”, says Xaver Finkenzeller, and on the day to AZ. There is a problem that occurred in Weißenburger Straße. The city administration has not committed any criminal offence, but the rights to introduce the pedestrian zone have already begun on 9 August.

Did you bring this upgrade to the Tage? “We would offer our mandate holders in the environment of society a legitimate protection and protection,” said Finkenzeller.

Einjähriger Versuch: Weißenburger Straße with Fußgängerzone

The opening would also take place on August 10th. Whoever left the city on Friday would first be on Monday, August 12th, rebuilt. Before everyone can make a painting, the vegetation with the clothing can be activated by the growth, as it were.

With Pflanzgefäßen and Sitzgelegenheiten, the Road will be more rapid than our Fußgängerzone umgestaltet. A number of things have started.

On Monday morning at 11 o'clock in the Weißenburger Straße a stunde-später comes to the Stopp.

Haidhausen: Anwohner stops in the new Fußgängerzone in Eilverfahren



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So we could explore the Fußgängerzone in der Weißenburger Straße - with Hochbeeten und Bänken.

Fußgängerzone in der Weißenburger Straße: Darum sind die Anwohner dafür


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It is absolutely necessary that the CSU-FW faction is erased after the rapid opening of the city administration. If the city is no longer aware, then the legal basis for the transfer is only on August 10th bestehe? The end of the Fraktion, “the city administration in the ongoing political projects of the valid legal position is not so heavy.”

In an Antwort des Mobilityreferences, dit is een Freitag, man wollte de Bürgern de Fußgängerzone schon zum Ferienbeginn zur Verfügung stelen en habe bij de Planung der Eröffnung “versehentlich” de Termin des Inkrafttretens der Widmungsänderung außer Acht gelassen.

Mobilitätsreferat: “Nicht auszuschließen, dass Versehen passeren”

The referral report is still a leader, “the high work load is called upon in the Mobility reference, but it is not possible to shift your passion.” The mobility references of one of the intestines are looked at, the refreshment and thus a relocation for avoidance. “This is also reflected in the previous situation”, the Referee explains in his reply.