
Two S04-Talente lived in the frame

Two S04-Talente lived in the frame

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Two S04-Talente lived in the frame
Schalke 04 played with Trainer Karel Geraerts (r.) at the 1. FC Nürnberg with Miroslav Klose. © Tim Rehbein/RHR-Foto, Sportfoto Rudel/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

Schalke 04 was great at 1. FC Nürnberg. RUHR24 reports on the live ticker about the match in the Zweitliga match at the Max-Morlock-Stadion.

Mögliche Aufstellung 1. FC Nürnberg: Reichert – Hofmann, Jeltsch, Knoche, Soares – Flick, Castrop – Okunuki, Jander, Pick – Schleimer
Mögliche Aufstellung FC Schalke 04: Heekeren – Gantenbein, Schallenberg, Kaminski, Murkin – Bachmann, Seguin – Aydin, Karaman, Mohr – Sylla

Start: 1. FC Nürnberg – FC Schalke 04
Answer: Today (August 10), 1:00 PM
Playing standard: -:-
Place reference:
Best Prevention:
Judge: Nicolas Winter (32/Hagenbach)

Schalke 04 vs 1. FC Nürnberg: Two S04-Talente live in the frame

Update, Freitag (9. August), 6.21 pm: Legal representative Taylan Bulut and Mittelfeldspieler Max Grüger stehen nicht in the framework of the U23 of Schalke 04, dies in the small minutes in the Parkstadion in the battle of SV Rödinghausen. Both will continue tomorrow with a professional team against 1. FC Nürnberg.

Schalke 04 vs 1. FC Nürnberg in Live Ticker: Der Vorbericht zum Zweitliga-Spiel

+++ Hallo and herzlich will go to Live-Ticker of RUHR24 to Zweitliga-Spiel 1. FC Nürnberg go to FC Schalke 04. The match of the two matches will take place on Saturday (10. August) at 13 o’clock in the Max-Morlock-Stadion . +++

Nürnberg – With 5:1 against FC Schalke 04 Eintracht Braunschweig at the first Spieltag vom Platz. Daran wollen the Royal Blues on the FCN anknüpfen.

The Nürnberger, the zum Saisonauftakt trotz 2:0-Führung with 2:3 in Karlsruher SC, lost once before the Duell with the S04.

Schalke 04 vs 1. FC Nürnberg: Sturm-Neuzugang falls

The 1. FC Nürnberg goes on duty (6 August) the Verpflichtung von Mahir Emreli bekannt. The 27-year-old Stürmer from Aserbaidschan wechselte ablösefrei von Dinamo Zagreb in the “Clubberern”. In life there are another 46 Länderspiele (sechs Tore) as well as 78 Partien in the Champions League, Europa League and Conference League stehen (zwölf Tore, fünf Vorlagen).

Go to FC Schalke 04 while the Sturm-Neuzugang has not fallen. A start has been made with the implementation of a Sprunggelenksverletzung. „Ich werde alles daransetzen, kaal weer op dem Platz zu resten. For my best generations I find at Club Top-Beddingungen“, there is an agreement between the transfers.

Mahir Emreli for Dinamo Zagreb am Ball.
Mahir Emreli is the new Stürmer of 1. FC Nürnberg. © Slavko Midzor/Pixsell via Imago

Darüber must show Janni Serra under the week after a tritt in the training in the training, until the young Dustin Forkel and Tim Janisch get to work individually. Rafael Lubach is a member of the Mannschaftstraining of FCN.

Schalke-Personal against Nürnberg: Tomas Kalas lost his S04

Aber since S04, since 811 Days before the first visit, may the Spitzenreiter ist, may eventually more Ausfälle verkraften. Bryan Lasme and Amin Younes played the S04 together with Tomas Kalas (Patellasehnenreizung). In addition, Janik Bachmann (Schlag aufs left Knie) and Paul Seguin (Wading Problems) are among the Woche kürzertreten, behind their Einsätzen steht a Fragezeichen.

All information about the display of the game of 1. FC Nürnberg and FC Schalke 04 is here the Spieltag in the S04-Live-Ticker of RUHR24.