
Sports: Steirische Steeldart-Szene starts “After Work Steeldart Series”

Sports: Steirische Steeldart-Szene starts “After Work Steeldart Series”

The Göttelsberger Steeldartverein has made a new attempt: a new game, a new life in “Billard-The Irish Pub-Jupp Weiz” and a record-breaking tournament that plays the Dartszene in Weiz. The Weizer has ended up in the category “After Work Steeldart Series” in Styria with its new location.

WEIZ/GÖTTELSBERG. The Göttelsberger Steeldartverein (kurz GSDV) hat in the letter Zeit a remarkable Entwicklung by the power. If it is good Record of unglaublichen 170 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern at Göttelsberger Steeldart Masters in January setzte der Verein new Maßstäbe and power das Turnier zum größten seiner Art in der Steiermark. This final result means that Steeldart in the Weiz region still believes and is bedeutenden Zentrum des Dartsports in der Steiermark untangled.

Was tut sich in deinem Verein?

Do you have a message in a message and most read and read in your message, was this a new gift? Then send an email with a short text and two to three photos and: [email protected]

Mitgliederzuwachs foutreulich, across the border of the Verein

The association itself is a step towards a waiting list and a quick fix 60 members. But with the inheritance come with new reforms: The bisherige Vereinslokal was zu small, one of them ehrgeizigen Planen des Vereins dish to be. If you notice the relationship with “Billard-The Irish Pub-Jupp Weiz”, this is the ideal partner for the new Vereinsheimat.

Das Irish Pub in Weiz, the members of the E-Dart-Club “die Weizer” are welcome, as perfect experience for the Steeldartverein. If one of the conversations is an optimized concept, then that is so E-Darts are also ideal for steel darts players beetet. Die Räumlichkeiten wurden erheblich erweitert, soft drink non four E-Dart machines and four Steel Dart layers zur Verfügung stehen, unterstützt of modern Turniersoftware.

Thanks to this erection the GSDV can now with up to four crews am steirischen Ligabetrieb teilnehmen. Especially since it is inherited, that is the new one Position as Australian selection for the credible “After Work Steeldart Series” of the best darts associations selected. From August onwards a month becomes a month in the month gleichzeitig and new Styrian standards a tournament in Rahmen that is postponed for a series.

With associations for dart sports in the region: Christian Schickhofer (Obmann E-Dart-Verein "The Weizer"), Martina Stockner (Irish Pub Jupp Weiz) and Andreas Hausleitner (Obmann "Göttelsberger Steeldartverein") | Photo: GSDV

“After Work Steeldart Series” new in Styria

The Believer Afterwork Steeldarts Series starts on August 22nd with its own exciting New Years in the Saison 2024/25. Especially sincereulich ist, dass in the Steiermark two new places have been taken. So I have no longer given Steeldarter the chance to play in the Serie. Additional to the bereits bekannten Austragungsorten in Trieben (DC Triple Nix), Lions (Crazy Dart Monkey’s), Kapfenberg (DC highest score), Graz (DV Dartort and DV K&K Liebenau), Voitsberg (DSV Rosental) and Gnas (DV Holdem – in the new Vereinsheim) is the location in Wise (Göttelsberger Steeldartverein) at „Billard-The Irish Pub-Jupp Weiz“ dazugekommen. Find now no toys and toys from the Eastern European ideal beds for. We continue with a pitch Knitted field. Here you will find the “DC Hypercane” in Cafe-Pub Hypercane with play and play games from the Murtal region die Kanheit, a series of teilzunehmen.

The end of the “After Work Steeldart Series”

Die Turnier series ends in April 2025 with the last Vorrundenturnier. When Dorth merges the teilnehmerinnen and the teilnehmer, a ranking is created. The best 48 Men and 8 Women from Styria qualify for the highest level Final on May 29, 2025. That first Vorrundenturnier found in the Donnerstag, on August 22, 2024, from 7 p.m. stat. Four Vorrunden were played with anschließendem K.-o.-System. If you have a maximum of 24 player information, there is a notification under [email protected] inheritance order.

After work Steeldart Series 2024/25

  • August 22, 2024
  • September 19, 2024
  • October 3, 2024
  • November 14, 2024
  • December 12, 2024
  • January 16, 2025
  • February 13, 2025
  • March 13, 2025
  • April 10, 2025
  • May 29, 2025 (Final)

Start: 7 p.m., Opening time: 6:30 p.m., Start fee: 8 Euro pro Turnier, Voranmeldung unter [email protected]

The story is for all interesting transgressions; es is again a Vereinsmitgliedschaft nor a Lizenz erorderlich. Dartbegeisterte can make a report and that become more dynamic. Fell Erfolg and “Good Dart!”

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