
Vatikan-Anerkennung für indisches Mariensanctum Velankanni

Vatikan-Anerkennung für indisches Mariensanctum Velankanni

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Brief description of the glaubensdikasteriums of the Wallfahrtsort of the Federal State of Tamil Nadu with Lourdes – Attractiveness to the few non-Christian Pilger “kein Ausdruck von Synkretismus”.

Vatikanstadt/Neu-Delhi (
The Marienwallfahrtsort Velankanni (also: Valiankanni) in Tamil Nadu is not a mixture of religions (Synkretismus), under “a grumbling that heißt all willkommen”. With a day of service, Kort and the Bischof von Tanjore hat der Heilige Stuhl laut Angaben des Portals Vatican News the heaviest Catholic Wallfahrtsort-dienen gebilligt, dessen Geschichte ins 16. Jahrhundert zurückreicht.
“Zahlreiche spirituale Früchte” has rediscovered the Heiligtum, whereby Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the Präfekt des Dikasteriums for the Glaubenslehre, was put in the Schreiben-feast. Although Pilger was not really a Christian Pilger, the first year, and some of those things could happen, was that it would be “of my own strength and much Frieden and Hoffnung” would be.
Velankanni say “ein Ort, an dem sich die Nahe Marias offenbart, who all willkommen heißt and denen, which they practice, the Liebe des Herrn offenbart. Those who die, die the Sakramente of the Catholic Church not empfangen could, became the Trost of Mutter Jesu nicht voorthalten,” said Fernandez.

Miraculous results
The Marienverehrung in the southern Wallfahrtsort is on 16. Jahrhundert back. There is always another way to let the Gottesmutter be a youth, who makes Milch for a Käufer-hollow and a Milch for his kind is, who sits on his arm. Der Junge wants a, and if there is Käufer, it is a party that the Milch in the Krug fehlte is. The Erzählung said “the great amount is greater, who in the low sin, as my own arms have become others again”, he is in the short time from the Vatican.
If “wonderful” Fernández experiences love, Maria will receive a kind of treatise in 1597, which the young people sold and that of Jesuskind anbot. The young woman who goes to work with the sick, after many people have made their journey, has started a chapel to read. On the way there, the young man discovered a wonderful wisdom and hereby joins the Prayer of Mary. To the church building beigetrage has a Portuguese view of a miracle cure View the information about the youth of the young woman Maria on a storm.

Papst lobt Migration
Pope John Paul II built up the Erzählungen of the Begegnungen with Sickness. In 2002, the Welttag der Kranken began to appear in Velankanni: “Den dieselbe Jungfrau Maria, die sich in Lourdes offenbart hat, hat sich auch in Indische als Mutter der Gesundheit offenbart”, erklärte Kardinal Fernandez.
Also Pope Franziskus treasures Velankanni, he is in the short. There is “he is one of the compatriots of the gläubische Pilger, while he sees the mirror of the Beauty of the Church on a journey wider, the Jesus in the Poor Marys and his Sorgen and Hoffnungen in the Hearts of the Mother hinterlässt”. If we see Franziskus all Pilger, it is the turn of the feast of Maria Geburt after the many aufmachen.

Shocked in Sari
The Mariensanctum of Velankanni is located in Tamil Nadu, in the south of the Indian Halbinsel. A “Unsere Liebe Frau von der gooden Gesundheit” has arisen and is between the 29th of August and the 8th of September Schaupplatz a large pilgrimage Indian Catholics on the geese Subcontinent. Trotz seiner Bedeutung als Christian Wallfahrtsort is that of 11,000 A woman on the direct golf course of Bengal Küstenortes located is more Hindu, now a Drittel sind Christian.
The snow-white Pilgrimage Basilica stands at the place, in the light of the contemplation of the young to the Mothers. It is a neo-Gothic style that focuses on an Icon Mary in an Indian Sari. 1962 during the Church under Pope John XXIII. to the “Basilica minor” erhoben. In the year 2004, the destruction of the tsunami was relatively unscathed, while the region of the catastrophe was devastated.

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Photo: Our Lady of Good Health Basilica of Velankanni © Kniwn.evil – Creative Common Licence

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