
Olympic Games: German Team in Paris: “With other souls”

Olympic Games: German Team in Paris: “With other souls”

The Spitze des Deutsche Olympian Sportbundes (DOSB) has sucked in a mixed Bilanz during the summer games in Paris. “We started with another soul in this game. The top ten national television images will appear. Because of this Möglichkeit, we can have a place where we can visit in Tokyo,” said Mission Chief Olaf Tabor at the previous Abschlusspressekonferenz in Deutschen Haus.

Germany will be presented with zwölf Gold, new Silver and eight Bronze medals for the joyful two Wettkampftagen days. The 37 Medals of the Games 2021 in Japan took the team further. “We never won any Gesamtmedaillen as we did in Tokyo. Insofern setzt sich unsere Negativserie fort. That’s something we have to be proud of,” says Tabor. The feature has likely shown that more gold medals have been won for three years.

DOSB President Thomas Weikert congratulates the guest ginger on his seiner Sicht überaus gelungenen Spielen. “Paris has contained its Versprechen. The Begeisterung, the hat here geherrschte hat: it is a bigger sports equipment”, says Weikert. As soon as the German Auftritts were positively assessed, they said: ‘We will both get positive shapes. All were zufrieden bein. “

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