
Tag 1: Do not weld anything! – FC St. Pauli – Forum | Page 1 | Page 1

Tag 1: Do not weld anything! – FC St. Pauli – Forum | Page 1 | Page 1

16. August 2024: A summer break, the war ended. The EM in Germany and the (mich most popular) Olympic Games in Paris will spend a long summer break in flight. The end of the summer break ensures that FC St. Pauli no longer pays attention to a better Zäsion. There is the Tag 1.

On August 16, 2024, Tag 1 will have a new broadcast: Ligawechsel (which will be experienced in a week longer) and Trainerwechsel.

It is one of the Day 1 after Fabian Hürzeler, the coach of FC Sankt Pauli, who plays football in a new royal, refined hat. And the danach itself in a still higher Regal gewechselt ist. If the royal family no longer lives in another house, the Wohnzimmer will remain in another house. If we look at the channeling, the fans can perhaps settle and wash on the music, which no rightly leading cann or fanboys/girls die in the pursuit of fan-lieblingschulden that do not appear in a playful way.

Because the Hürzeler is a trainer, who otherwise has his offensive and defensive skills, there is an austarian connotation. It is (develop?) not yet an idea, the game of the sun protection and the construction of machines is clearly for a fair game with a good positioning of the player and a clear criticism and an excellent Bornemann hat. If my trainer has a trainer, the big club can take a big lead and it can not be a great force. Also wenn ich in natürlich gern als unseren Trainer in der Bundesliga gesehen hätte. There will be no more ex-trainers and new team members. So at the end this game will also be for another day 1.

It is the next step on Day 1 in the world of Alexander Blessin. Blessin, the Karriere als Spieler will play with the Begriff “Wandervogel”, nor will he be described. 14 teams in 17 years – Max Kruse is a stand-in for Jürgen Gronau days. So blessing with a blessing club on Millerntor and lost on 20.02.2000 with 2:1. Struck by the Stümer blessing nothing happened. For our hinged Klasnic and Marin (a Doppelspitze pigs ). We love a game with Wehlmann, Stanislawski, Trulsen and a sweep of Steffen Karl (I’ll come back later). Became training with Willi Reimann. My God, is that long ago! Play a game for VfB Stuttgart in the Bundesliga and in the UEFA Cup, while the blessings are high in the playing career that is used.

A hereditary great loves his bisherige Trainer career. The Leipziger Trainerschule stems führte is the Belgian retirement candidate Oostende after the Europapokal-Terrilnahme and Word Trainer of the Year. His station in Genoa hinges in love unluckily. Back in Belgium is the power of Saint Gillis at Pokalsieger and Vice-Meister and the Word Trainer of the years and change of Saint zu Sankt. If FC Sankt Pauli has such a good story about what he does, then he will give us all the freedom and bless us with his Belgian heritage in Germany.

With the Fortsetzen Erfolgen, Team and Trainer dare to enter the Cup. It concerns Sachsen-Anhalt at Halleschen FC. On paper it is clear: it has disappeared in the 4th. It is ready for the 1st Liga.
Aaaber, yes clearly, we will know everything about everything: the Cup and my own Law, the Hans-guck-in-the-Air Problem of Bundesliga players, if you have to compete in the so-called Lows, the (perhaps) Amateurs, who motivate up to the hairpins if you are the 90% involved Bundesliga players of USP, and, usw… Solche Spiele becomes one of the most developed own people, if the Underdog starts a prize in the Nase bekommt and the Favorite on A small fear of the blame is caused.

In all Vorbereitungspielen unter Blessin und de Mannschaft first nach een schwachen/schwächeren Anfangsphase in de Partie. Gegen den Bremer SV (also Regionalligist) zeigten unsere Boys in Brown ebenfalls Anfälligkeiten. Now of course the war starts in a warm-up game, nor during the training sessions.

The Hallesche FC, the club that is so little, has undergone a linear development, which has a heritage view: Created a strong Mannschaft for the Zweiten Weltkrieg, the Hallenser separated on the Road to the Deutschen Meisterschaft at FC Bayern, so who is FC 21 Jahre später.

Zeitgleich dazu (also 1949) was transformed by SG Freiimfelde Halle Club during the Swiss period for a year, then as ZSG Union Halle Ostzonen-Meister. So the GDR Meistertitle is wirklich. 1952 wiederholte der Club, inzwischen as BSG Turbine Halle diese Meisterschaft. 1962 during Halle Pokalsieger.
1966 won the Club of “Hallesche FC Chemie”.

Auch im Europapokal trat Halle an. 1962 in the Europapokal der Pokalsieger and 1991 in the UEFA Pokal. Both males separated from Halle in the 1st Runde. Particularly tragic after the war during the first Runde des UEFA Cups 1971, as in the case of a major fire in a hotel in Eindhoven. Playing games in Halle black more Hotel guests can enjoy their lives, and they will continue to enjoy playing games with Wolfgang Hoffmann during their lives. . Please let me know what you want to know about it.
1991 was founded by Chemie, the stand of Hallesche FC.

(Insgesamt ist die teils sehr wechselhafte Geschichte mancher ehemaliger DDR-Clubs durchau interesting nachzulesen. Man bekommt einen endruck davon, warum manchen (!) Menschen a Konstrukt wie das in Leipzig weniger befremdlich as us am Millerntor. Auch die Biography von Spielern wie Norbert Nachtweih is interesting.)

The Hallesche FC brought a series of famous players, such as Nachtweih, Jens Nowottny, or the Bochumer legend Dariusz Wosz, who Neffe heute in Halle plays and vermutlich gegen uns antritt. One of the erasers of Steffen Karl, who grew up in Miller’s morning in 98 to 2000 and put an end to the sympathetic punk, came from Halleschen FC (nor with Chemie). Before the war (and only the war) there was still a war of Braun-Weißer Thomas Sobotzik in Halle-tätig. A year later it is time to use SpoDi.
Direct information shows that the area between Halle and the U23 of the Regional League Nord will be their home, and that they will be better than their Year alt. In total, four games can be played between two games.

Anyway? After all, the Halle nach zwei Remis aus zwei Spielen on Platz 12. Allerdings ist de Tafel dabei kaum aussagekräftiger as de Bundesliga. 22 Abgängen stehen 17 Zugänge entgegen. The man who has a completely new Framework is a man. Auch Trainer Mark Zimmermann is new at the Seitenlinie in Halle. Before Coach Alexander Blessin, Zimmermann was a different player. Both were Sturmkollegen at the Stuttgarter Kickers.

Abgesehen von de Football und dem Vermeidenden Querverbindungen gibt is auch einige wenige aktuelle Parallelle zwischen Halle und dem Magischen FC: Both laufen in Klamotten von Puma on and on both Seiten gibt es Fangruppen, die is voor een good idea halt, de jewel Vereinsetat durch Strafen for Pyo etc. zu tax.

Allen, who is on the journey with an attempt to make the journey, is a faultless journey. Erfreulich, weil inheritancegreich and a great contact with the Saalefront. Auch eigenes gutes Benehmen wäre wünschenswert.

If you look in the mirror, you can dare to write the Eröffner to Heidenheim. Also men, on a game with “röstaromen”, will never get las!


Meeske as Präsident, Stani & Boller in the Aufsichtsrat! Poitbüro nach Pjöngjang!

The Würde des Menschen is no longer available. How you respect and protect yourself is the responsibility of all states.

If you criticize FC St. Pauli, neither AntiFa nor AntiRa are fascists or racists.