
Subtle Ertüchtigungen historical Gebäude thanks Airgel-Anwendungen im Bau (

Subtle Ertüchtigungen historical Gebäude thanks Airgel-Anwendungen im Bau (

August 10, 2024

(PM) On 12. July, the award ceremony of the «Aerogel Architecture Award» will be celebrated at the Empa-Campus-statt. In total, six projects in the categories «Realizable Solutions» and «Student Projects» were selected. If you use all aspects of Aerogel material in architecture and construction projects, the minimal energy inputs in the building substance and the large appearance image will increase the heat and energy dissipation. A remediation project in Italy and a student concept in Brazil have won. (Article in French >>)

For the diesjährige «Aerogel Architecture Award» projects would be examined, which are implemented, with the high quality of the material Aerogel in historical renovations that are based in the architecture and construction of the entire construction. From insgesgest 31 entries for both categories «Realizable Solutions» and «Student Projects» nominated by the Fachjury je drei Podestplätze. The winner of the many projects that were brought to the market in the Nest, the Research and Innovation Buildings of Empa and Eawag, are loaded.

Place 1 for themenergetic stool dands ProjectS «Stringi-Stringi» from Livorno
In the category “Realisable projects” projects took place: one in China, one in Italy and three in Germany. During the project “Stringi-Stringi” from Livorno, Italy, the project is beautifully presented. Dabei acts as a renovation project for a social housing, realized by the architect SB Ingegneria. One of the insulated insulation elements from the year 1939 is energetic to optimize, so that the interventions and the construction forms can be carried out: The roof was with a 140 mm thick foam insulation, the facade with EPS 100 Graphite or a 50 mm Aerogel-Sheathing renovated. The other gas extraction that is carried out by a hot water pump is where you can install a photovoltaic system. Finally the windows were replaced and sealed with a 10mm Aerogel-Sheath.

In addition to the renovation of the facade of the V-shaped building, the use of aerogel was essential, so the architect, Serena Braccini. This, although the flexibility of the materials that the insulation of the shrunken facade has, is perhaps the first image of the change. When the jury has given a verdict on the performance aerogel materials: “The typical building for the fascist era by architect Ghino Venturi could not be energetically brought up to the present standard, without the characteristic character to be achieved”, quickly assessed by the jury Volker Herzog the jury’s dismissal together. Use the system as a system that is suitable for the following years.

Kindergarten Eversbuschstrasse in 2nd place
On the zweiten Platz the Kindergarten Eversbuschstrasse in Munich was built. The team of the architectural firms Bodensteiner Fest Architekten had the task of transforming the 120-year-old building, which has been standing for 20 years, with the most simple means to achieve a new life. Since the integration of the kindergarten is possible, the plat treatise will be a major development in the planned planning, so the leading architecture, Annette Fest. Central for the project were the content bzw. Due to the many materials and constructions used, the high temperature fluctuations of Aerogel material are achieved with a high frequency.

The written Podestplatz occupies the project of Andreas-Schubert-Gebäude at the Technische Universität Dresden, carried out by Büro Iproconsult. In 1959, the factory began to think about the protection and must remove a solution for the material structure. The best is one of the tragedies of Betongerüst, in the thinning of Betonpanels and Window-integrated sind. In the Sanierungsmassnahmen the Betonpanels with a 50 mm thick Aerogel-Dämmung version can be used, with a new Window installation. While this massive heat energy was a round 75, the characteristic facade became possible.

Visionary projects, the emotional turmoil
The big war that takes place in the instruction of 26 study projects, which consist of various federal states, is a fact. First on the Platz is the project «Tassi Museum» of the duos Amanda Sayuri Hashimoto and Guilherme Pinheiro and Silva from Brazil. Your concept foresaw, the former «Hotel Tassi» in Curitiba, which has a brand of great value, is renovated and walks around in a museum. So you want to slow down both the original architecture and the history of the house. It is always the case that the other way you can look through a new wooden construction of your struts. One of the best facade maintenance products from Aerogel-Isolation ensures that the warm water of the thermal insulation can be used, while the thermal insulation can work abroad, while the air and inner wall images can disappear.

If the insulation of the wall is insulated, take a look at a project in the courtyard, so that an aerogel shield with a diameter of 30 mm can protect the inside of the glass. If you want to read a message in the inn, you can do the following. The jury looked forward to the optimal development of the innovative Aerogel materials, which “a maximum of besthenden-gebäudes and dessen-structures could show”, so the jury defeated Kämpfen. Besonderen Anklang and the Combination from the other, weiteren, Ziegelsteinwand and the new Holzstruktur, the Facade is as stable as possible.

Urban Center for maximum health in Krakow in 2nd place
The second rank was occupied by the project of Patricia Malota from Poland. If you like the idea that architecture is located in the psychology of the human mind, there is a city center for mental health in Krakow, which contains a large part of the light-permeable Aerogel facade air. If therapy is more profitable than a hellish, a charged atmosphere, the protection of the private sphere will be jederzeit gewährleistet sei, so the jury.

Aeroblocks replace glass stones
The three squares were formed by the concept of Michael Chang and Adrian Corbey from Harvard University in Cambridge, USA. With his «Aeroblock» presentation, an innovative story for a ground-breaking problem of Carpenter Centers for Visual Arts, since 1963, developed by the Federation of Swiss Architecture Icons Le Corbusier originates: The timeless design with a facade with glass blocks on top, which nevertheless do not provide any insulation. In the meantime, the interior space suffers from strong temperature fluctuations. Mittels new «Aeroblocks», while the glass stones ​​are sollen, seduce the students of the Facade a time-sensitive insulation, or the fascinating option you have.

No prizes were awarded to the Top 3 study projects for a cash prize of 1500, 1000 and 500 francs.

The «Aerogel Architecture Award»
The «Aerogel Architecture Award» was initiated in 2020 by Empa and 2024 by the industrial partner Agitec, Fixit, Ibih and Hasit ermöglicht. The 2024 wettbewerb has 26 students and 5 completed projects from different federal states. A jury, consisting of the three architects Beat Kämpfen (Switzerland), Volker Herzog (Germany) and Manfred Wehdorn (Austria) have assessed the Aerogel expert Michael O’Connor (France), who has assessed the finished projects in the Hinblick on the content of the cultural culture, the energy efficiency and the originality of the wanted loose. Ganz judges the assessment of the jury and is under the pragmatic Excerpt: Is the mass for the finished project a sin?

More information about all privately owned projects >>

Text: Empa

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