
Etliche Verkehrsunfälle im Kreis Landsberg zum Start in Wochenende

Etliche Verkehrsunfälle im Kreis Landsberg zum Start in Wochenende

A company starts in the Freitag mode when starting a property in the area of ​​the police inspection in Landsberg, where the police report brings the most varied construction plans and the holiday rental to a higher level and offers an excellent example in the street traffic.

The free form is one of the most unusual forms in Landsberg. A 61-year-old rural resident lives in the Münchner Straße with my car in a parking garage, the highways are closed and they are lost. Here we are happy, the Pkw is spoken, weshalb dieser ins Rollen kam. Beim Versuch, de Pkw anzuhalten, wurde sie mitgeschliffen. Erlitt several Schürfwunden and Handen and Füßen.

E-Biker stürzt at Igling vom Rad

I started on Friday, August 9th with a 63-year-old e-bike driver from the rural district on the cycle path in the Kreisstraße of Landsberg in the direction of Igling. At the age of 29, with the ability to use that time in the direction of the Fahrbahn flight, you go for the e-bike to the Kreuzzenderweise Abbiegen. The E-Bike driver brakes, in the Annahme übersehen zu werden, grim ab. So there can be no talk of obstacles, no more than the next Sturz of your e-bike. There are so few possibilities that the treatment has no hereditary power.

Zusammenstoß auf der Landsberger Straße in Geltendorf

Short time apart came in Geltendorf to a traffic accident. A 75-year-old Kradfahrer from the Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck wants to turn left with his Kraftrad, on the Landsberger Straße, into the Moorenweiser Straße. One of the 52-year-old Fahrzeugführer would fall with his Pkw to the right into the Moorenweiser Straße. If you take the time to go to the kitchen, you will see the Kradfahrer at Knöchel verletzte. Both vehicles are in front of a Sachschade.

Autofahrer übersieht Stau auf der Kreisstraße in Kaufering

A stundenspäter kam es a weiteren Vorfall in Kaufering, a 50-year-old Fahrzeugführer from the Landkreis fuhr with his Pkw on the Kreisstraße LL20 in Richtung Landsberg. Here it is one of the things that I with my Pkw-verkehrsbedingt wartende, 44-year-old Vehicle, ebenfalls in the country. There is a problem with the PKW that is prevented, which Mann nach connects in the sale of a car with a car. The 50 years were lost here. The 33-year-long accident and the rest of the lives of the victims were easily lost. Both horsepowers represent a minimum total damage. The estimated damage amount is approximately 20,000 euros.

Over time, there is no longer any damage with damage, Ursache’s jewelry in the night of the jewelry of the jewelry of the PI Landsberg with. Herebei entstanden Sachschäden in gesamt geschätzter Höhe of round 12,000 Euro. (AZ)