
Tanzdemo: Tausende Techno-Fans en der Zürcher Street Parade vermmelt

Tanzdemo: Tausende Techno-Fans en der Zürcher Street Parade vermmelt

Zehntausende Techno-Fans have prepared themselves for the beginning of the Street Parade in Zurich. It’s a great start from Seebeck.

Seit 13 Uhr the music plays on the route along the route. The largest stage on the Sechseläutenplatz wake among the people fell, the party war continued throughout the Gange. At 14 o’clock the next day is the first of 28 Love Mobiles in gemächlichem Tempo am Utoquai los.

It is one of those Samstag-radiantly beautiful Wetter dürfte Vale Menschen seehen. I am going to spend a year at the largest Technoparty with Regenguss kurz voor dem Start gemäss Schätzungen der Organizers around 920,000 Menschen an.

During the Mitternacht, the cattle are celebrated and tanzed on the long, kilometer-long Umzugsroute along the Zürcher Seebecken. Dan verlagert sich das geschehen en die in zahlreichen Clubs stattfindenden Parties.

father, sda