
Ärger bei deutschen Kanuten weg Seegras| FAZ

Ärger bei deutschen Kanuten weg Seegras| FAZ

When there is a war going on, a medal is created. Canut Jakob Thordsen blieb with the largest part of the Carbon-Boat rolled out at the Olympic end of the Kayak-Einer to 1000 meters in the sea grass. The Sieg is in the Czech veteran Josef Dostal for the Ungarn Adam Varga who has Landsmann and Tokyo Olympiad Balint Kopasz.

„I am ready to start my journey and have a great experience, which is great for my health. The Motorboot has been looked at again, the grass herauszumachen, were then also thrown away,” said the 24-year-old debutant after the enttäuschenden eighten Platz on Kajak-Einer. „This looks good and is done. After 20 meters man had 980 meters before you know it, it is expensive.

With the railway that Thordsen uses, the nautical stadium in Vaires-sur-Marne must be a problem. “After 20 meters the boot has gone to the right once and he has to do his best. If someone notices that Steuer vibriert zwischen de Füßen, then that’s what it is,” said the native of Hamburg, who is driving for the Hannoversche KC.

Jens Kahl, sports director of the German Kanu-Verbandes, was a critical critic at Olympia-Gastgeber. “It is bitter if the Veranstalter does not act, a legal battle rezurichten, which brings for all honest Bedingungen. That since four years of work is null and void,” said the function. (dpa)