
Janin Ullmann’s career starts with Viva-Kollege Oliver Pocher war a “test of heart”

Janin Ullmann’s career starts with Viva-Kollege Oliver Pocher war a “test of heart”

In the war “NDR Talk Show” Janin Ullmann (42) will be (August 9) Part of the talk show. The cult show debuts with a new moderation team. Neben Bettina Tietjen (64) played podcaster Laura Larsson (35) during the evening. It seems that a new Role fragment of Ullmann is after his Anfangszeit at Viva, it is one of the few people who has Oliver Pocher (46).

In a casting with 3000 members it is worth voting during a job at the music channel Viva. The casting in Dresden has started and the Anreise with my mother mumbled in Erfurt a war for the 18-year-olds who had an unparalleled experience. Ullmann tells: “Ich habe mich auf dem Weg dreimal übergeben.”

Janin Ullmann: “I’m so nervous in war”

Nun also remains, with 18 years in Fernsehen, on Oliver Pocher’s page. Ullmann said: “I was so nervous, I was not able to cope with it, because I was with Oliver Pocher. I was so nervous, I was not able to cope with it, but I was aware of it, because it was completely different, That’s not something I can do.” Mittlerweile is Ullmann from the Medienlandschaft, no longer thinking away.

“Was that a hard test?”, Fragment Larsson in Bezug auf de Zusammenarbeit mit Pocher. Ullmann: “Yes.” And further: “A war is being waged with a Help. I have to deal with my worst work at Viva. A war is being waged with a Help. It is a war with guilt.”

Janin Ullmann: Ihr Weg in de Medien

After Oliver Pocher helped Janin Ullmann in his career, there was a first attempt at life and love. If you go to fashion shows, you can play dress-up and it is always possible to promote synchronization. With 128,000 Instagram followers, the beach on the beach is open.

If the co-moderator has played a great career as an entertainer. Zuletzt geriet Pocher but immer wieder in Kritik. Before everything fits at a Taylor Swift concert, a Rammstein T-shirt has a different look with ex-wife Amira, who is fond of negative schlagzeilen.