
Angriff on Gaza-Stadt: Israel attacks Schule – more Tote

Angriff on Gaza-Stadt: Israel attacks Schule – more Tote

War in Nahost
Fast 100 Tote nach israëlischem Angriff op Schule in Gaza

People sit at the Israeli Air Force in the Al-Tabain School in Gaza City

People sit at the Israeli Air Force in the Al-Tabain School in Gaza City

© Not stated / AP / DPA

It is clear that the Hamas terrorists have all achieved their own goals. Israel therefore has no culprits in its vision. The leaders are civilists.

In a dominant Israeli Luftangriff on a city’s debt burden Gaza has come to life after palästinensische Angaben Dutzende Menschen. One of the Palestinian controllers of Hamas speaks about mental protection 93 Toten in them as Flüchtlingsunterkunft genutzten Gebäude.

The Israeli army fights fear, a Hamas command center, which is financed in the etched object. The Luftwaffe has a small caliber of used rockets, we will not use the Opferzahl as well as the army with. The pages can no longer be properly connected.

If the fear of the morning rush has consequences, it may be that the morning prayer is performed. The men have ended up in the Erdgeschoss, the women and children in the Obergeschoss of the Al-Tabain-Schule in the center of the city of Gaza have been financed.

Clinics in Gaza am Limit

Augenzeugen messageseten von schrecklichen Szenen. Der Geruch von burntem Fleisch, de Luft erüllt, Leichenteile seien weit verstreut wesen, sagte ein Mann aus der Nachbarschaft, der nach der Detonation zum Schauplatz geeilt war. When the tears come to an end, it has moved on. A woman, the fear in the Obergeschoss-überlebte, gab an, zehn Verwandte zu haben, unter ihnen the Father, two Sohne and ihre Brüder.

The Palestinian Medical and Security Circle went out more than 100 toten and other tens of thousands of injuries. If the protective protection is used, it may be that the person no longer dies, but the sick houses in Gaza strip will make more impression, Schwerverleszten will extend to half.

Gazastreifen: Handyvideos saisraeli Raketenangriffe auf Deir al-Balah

Useful videos regarding missile attacks on Deir al-Balah

01:27 minutes

The Israeli army is convinced that Hamas has a targeted commando center in the Gebetsraum of the Al-Tabain school in the center of Gaza city. Make sure you have taken the time to check the outbursts of anger at 20 Hamas camps. The Islamist organization fights dies. You may want to enjoy your life for the rest of your life.

Vermittler-Staaten verurteil Israels Angriff

Furious conflicts followed in the region where they lived. Egypt and Qatar – two Arab states, which in the individual Waffenruhe-Verhandlungen in the Swiss Israel and the Hamas-vermitteln – prefer the “Massaker”. It is a question of a “Fortsetzung von Verbrechen in large numbers”, while the “great numbers of unarmed Civilists” are getting the word, the Foreign Ministry in Cairo said. If fear has a “clearer sense”, it is an Israeli side that wants to use, the brutal Krieg in Gazastreifen will have been.

If the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs has started in one of the cases, the State Secretary of QNA is verbreitete, which has caused a “brutal translation and protection of the cases”. Qatar is an urgent international solution to the incidents.

The EU copyright court Josep Borrell said he was talking about the Angriff. “Mindestens zehn Schulen wurden in de vergangen Wochen ins Visier genommen. Es gibt keine Rechtfertigung für diese Massaker”, wrote Borrell on der Plattform X. “Wir sind bestürzt über die schreckliche Gesamtzahl der Opfer.” A waffen still stands on the lonely road, the ropes of Zivilists have been and the release of the geiseln-sicherzustellen, mahnte there.

Israel: Hamas attacks Zivilisten as living Schutzschilde

In the event that they are surrounded by the Krieg in the abgeriegelten Küstengebiet, we will always be able to get rid of the citizens of Israel in their lives. Israel’s Soul in the Krieg ist, the Hamas is zerstören. If you are still a Zivilisten among the Opfern, Israel damnit acknowledges that the Hamas terrorists are entrenched in Schulen and Krankenhäusern and Zivilisten as living Schutzschilde missbrauchten. Zivile Opfer seien bedauerliche “Kollateralschäden” legitimate military actions, thus the Erklärung.

These – in any case gegenteilige – Darstellungen sich im Einself kaum verifizieren. The International Court of Justice in The Hague has declared one of the South African countries that abjured at the Feststellung, Israel in Gaza-Krieg, a Genozid and Palästinensern. Israel strongly opposes that.

The General Commissioner of the UN-Palastinian Aid Work UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, assures the young Israeli Angriff. Debts – like other civil facilities – will not even be a soul for the conflict parties and will not be used for a military purpose.

The war between Gaza and the Krieg became massive with more than 1,200 terrorists from Hamas and other groups in Israel in October. After the control of the Hamas management organization on the Samstag, 39,790 people would have been killed in Gaza and 91,702 would have been lost. The Zahlen are no longer separated from the Zivilisten and Kämpfern and are not independently verified.

A Waffenruhe in the Gaza-Krieg is gilded as Schlüssel, a low one in Nahen Osten to schärfen. USA, Qatar and Egypt have both made a connection with an energetic Wort zu einem Abkommen gedrängt.

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