
No Happy End for our golfers

No Happy End for our golfers

The women’s Olympic golf gymnast is one of the men with a happy ending for the eastern part of the country.

Emma Spitz power on Samstag on the Par 72 Course at the Golf National at Versailles with an abschließenden 70er-Runde three Plätze gut and won with 290 Schlägen (2 über Par) 29. Sarah Schober Rutschte durch eine schwache nor an eleven Position on den 47. Endrang zurück. Gold holte sich die frühere Weltranglisten-Erste Lydia Ko from Neuseeland.

Spitz comb in the Schlusstag a nice Birdies at the three Bogeys and laundry in Ball gleich am ersten Loch. The 24-year-old Niederösterreicherin woke up with a mixed Bilanz. “Rückblickend habe ich sicher fell lied lassen. Von den Top 20 war is nicht weit fernt. Es ist nicht überragend, aber auf jeden Fall auch nicht schlecht.” With ihrer Leistung am Samstag war die ÖGV-Golferin entitled. “It is a war that has come to an end. The war is not perfect, but it can also produce positive results.”

A gebrauchter Tag war is hinged for Schober. On the 13th time that the power of the railways is working with the washer occupation and a double challenge. When you finally see Birdies, you’ll see Bogeys and a Doppel-Bogey on your scorecard. “I’m happy with my life and I’ll never forget it again. Der Abgang ist bitter, die Erwartungen were just different”, said the 32-year-old in ORF-Interview and war den Tränen nahe. “Those Abschläge were actually good, but the Grünschläge was extremely bad. Beim Putten did not fall.”

Schober 12 over Par

Schober beat Turnier with 300 Schlägen (12 over Par) as 47th out of 60 Teilnehmerinnen. During the men’s war Sepp Straka über Platz 35 nicht hinaus come. The Fazit from the rot-weiß-roter Sicht falls damit durchwachsen aus. Spitz spoke about a “cool Woche, we will have played with the Weltelite and in front of so many fans. The war is a war here. I would like to think so, what you would do.”

After the Spitze saw the Neuseeländerin, a Doppel-Bogeys trap on 13 became Gold’s. Nach Silber in Rio 2016 and Bronze in Tokyo for three years of power at the age of 27 in the Olympic Medaillensatz-komplett. The experienced Korean woman was born with 278 Schlägen (10 under Par) for the German Esther Henseleit (280). Bronze cavity itself die Chinesin Lin Xiyu (281). Top favorites Nelly Korda from the USA, neither in Tokyo nor Olympiasiegerin, were completely 22.