
Aufzug-Notöffnung ohne Verletzte in Hotel – Nachrichten AG

Aufzug-Notöffnung ohne Verletzte in Hotel – Nachrichten AG

Hilfe in Not: Aufzugsnotöffnung am Samstag in Reichenau

Reichenau (ots)

On Saturday, August 10, 2024, a hotel in the Schiffslände in Ortsteil Reichenau-Mittelzell in a Vorfall, a more time for the bedding of the notification system and the rapid reaction of the verdeutlichte reaction. People were in a certain situation and urgent help needed.

Background of the incidents

In this special autumn the buttons of the bud are struck, when you notice that the doors are no longer open. This stately prescribed system is well thought out, in case of emergency schnell Unterstützung anzuorderern. The personal hotel reacts to your comfort and sets the house alarm to the Aufzugsnotrufdienst in Bewegung.

At 2:51 PM, the Freiwillige Feuerwehr Reichenau receives the Alarm Reporting from the Integrierte Leitstelle Konstanz through the Integrierte Leitstelle Konstanz with the Hinweis on a “Call Notöffnung”. Onder der Leitung von Stv. Kommandant Marcus Deggelmann forces 16 Einsatzkräfte with a Löschfahrzeug der Class LF 10 on the road to the hotel.

What role does the Hotelpersonal play?

More interesting is the hotel, nor for the Eintreffen der Feuerwehr by a number of persons who are free, while the larger masses of the Feuerwehr flood. This time says that there is a quick reaction and an effective notfallplanung in the final trap.

The entry into the overview

After reporting, if the victims were in Security, the Fire Brigade could have been back in and deployed at 15:17. If the failure is no longer necessary, the alarm could be a problem for effective emergency communication in the community.

Bedeutung für die Gemeinschaft

This disaster has restored the necessity of one of the functional notification systems and the role of the community in emergencies. At a time, in the technical system of failure, the knowledge about the necessity of emergencies is irreplaceable. It is a question of everything, the guilt in the field of housing construction must reflect and occur in a single situation.

Analyze Sources, best report: 14
Social media comments analyzed: 104
Analysis of the analysis: 34