
It’s a pleasure to spend summer games in Paris since

It’s a pleasure to spend summer games in Paris since

Let’s have a great sporting experience with the French Metropole Olympia 2024. Why am I white? We have enjoyed 15 summer and winter games.

Is it a male fantasy? Wheel racing in Montmartre.

Is it a male fantasy? Wheel racing in Montmartre.

Julien De Rosa / AFP

«Best Games Ever!» So Juan Antonio Samaranch, from 1980 to 2001 president of the International Olympic Committee (IOK), pledged jewels of the organizers and the final federation of their lobbies. When our journalists recounted the opinion, it is so that there is a beige wohnt hat of a grümpelturnier, and these are now charred sausage and no beer. So Samaranch said zum Beispiel at the end of the Spiele von Atlanta 1996, as everyone thought: «Bloss weg von hier!»

Fast three years apart I experienced my last games in Paris, it was the 15., and they were placed higher in my personal ranking. It was written by the Parisian, who in the Holidays said that one of the Rummels in his city would come. If it is an incentive, other powers flourish Holidays as always. After the game is played, the game is played, which will be the case now.

But you will certainly be happy to play in Atlanta. With Coca-Cola-Spiele, weil der Getränkekonzern as Grosssponsor of the IOK Olympia, we will be there, we will see Hauptsitz hat. You get free coke for the journalists and all the discount coupons for burgers at McDonald’s. When we play the game, the Olympic village is busy with the Helfer turning the withered races green with spray doses. Secret war is not.

When the spirit of the game is no longer of green grass. What Atlanta proudly remains in the memory, are the revived moments of sports. If you want to shout “USA! USA! USA” in a stadium, think of the team final of the Women in Artistic Gymnastics 1996 in the Georgia Dome: a row of halls, which stretched out to the football stadium.

Gold and Tears in Georgia Dome – An Unparalleled Moment

The audience war is in Durchdrehen, while Kerri Strug shows the US gymnast zum zweiten Sprung antrat. If you want it to be so, but the team is bursting with your nor a high note. Even if it is about a few boys, who goes through the air, it will take a long time, but the jury will certainly know what they are doing. Then brach siammen, kroch von der Matte and was finally delayed by the trainer of the Podest. Gold and Tears! When you play live, think of all the game elements you play.

Emotionaler Höhepunkt in Atlanta 1996: Der Trainer Bela Karolyi trägt de verletzte Kunstturnerin Kerri Strug vom Podest.

Emotionaler Höhepunkt in Atlanta 1996: Der Trainer Bela Karolyi trägt de verletzte Kunstturnerin Kerri Strug vom Podest.

David Madison / Getty

Atlanta 1996 was for all games for the Zuschauer, the war of the Stadions and Halls that were their spurs, the largest sports anlass of the worldstattfand. The war is different in the federal states, in the sport is not flourishing, but the part of the culture ist. I started in the year 2000 in Sydney, in 2012 in London and now in Paris.

The stadium is full, and in the U-Bahn, on the Strasse, a standing man, the a silent Glück in the east, we will experience a beautiful moment full of emotions. These are carried out by the uniform Australian state institutions. Beach volleyball in the Treasures of the Eiffel Tower, Fighting under the Glass Dome of the Grand Palais, in the Radrennen in a Aufstieg to Montmartre, where the Massa in the Strasserand soaks like his son in the Tour de France. And if you want to watch the Dancers of the Moulin Rouge in your Legs.

There are no more aggressive forms of violence, so make sure that everything else is laughable as gigantic French police officers. Man looks at a Nelke in the pistol of the gun and sees a selfie that is bitten. They are made.

Security is a theme, that is what all the games are about. In Atlanta it is a matter of attention with zwei Toten. It was a shock to me that the war was hindered by art and welfare, by the Wachmann, by the bombings and the father of the Schlimmers, that the guilt was outlined and in the American middle class was treated in the best American way. There is everything in mind, it is as if the heroes suffer from welding, this is so. Man hatte einen Täter, the Spiele konnten weitergehen. Since 2003 the bombings have started, a right-wing extremist.

It is normal for journalists at the stadium to know who they know from the airport through the Security Guards. 2002 in Salt Lake City there were Scharfschützen auf dem Dach unseres Hotels, 2014 in Sochi there were many soldiers, who lay with their Maschinengewehren under white Tarnnetzen in Schnee. Nun sind in Paris Dutzende Polizisten in meinem Hotel einquartiert.

Gut tarnt: Soldat in Sochi an den Winterspielen 2014.

Gut tarnt: Soldat in Sochi an den Winterspielen 2014.


It was discussed during the Präsenz von Polizei und Armee in Paris. In that city, the massacre in Bataclan begins in 2015, and the war in France takes place under the terrorists. I hate a sport, when I am at the Leichtathletika in a human mass at the entrance of the Stade de France. Here in 2015 there were three attention for the Glück that was come, the Leute was in the Stadium, and now a person is a Leben, when the Islamists have emerged in the airspace. Now here stand Dutzende Sicherheitskräfte, but they would not be deceptive, without regret.

But reason with vom Sport. Olympic Games is one of the Egoprojects of States, which is given by the world of wool presentations. The sport is a vehicle, while there may be investments, but these investments are becoming increasingly difficult. During the German broadcast in 2004 in Athens, where the Olympic Grössenwahn stadium was stamped out of the Boden temple, he died bald by Ruinen.

Where Sport rules middle to political purpose, also lacks understanding in the audience. While the Tribunes are in the nationalistic Hordes, this is only for his Landsleute roars. The Tiefpunkt in this hint I experienced 2016 in Rio. I am excited by Franzose Renaud Lavillenie when he had a great time, while the Brazilian Thiago Braz jumped in a gold. Braz wanted, and I am busy with the label Lavillenie is a yellow Pfeifkonzert that silver medal hung around.

Ein Publikum ohne Respect für den Gegner: In Rio de Janeiro 2016, the einheimische Sieger im Stabhochsprung, Thiago Braz, gefeiert and the zweitplatzierte Franzose Renaud Lavillenie ausgepfiffen.

Ein Publikum ohne Respect für den Gegner: In Rio de Janeiro 2016, the einheimische Sieger im Stabhochsprung, Thiago Braz, gefeiert and the zweitplatzierte Franzose Renaud Lavillenie ausgepfiffen.


There are many pandemic games, leather stadiums and an artificial isolation shaft in only for journalistic hotels. 2021 in Tokyo, the organizers offered us taxi vouchers for the purpose. If the jewels are all in a dear and sturdy life, whoever the driver over the leather city motorway bretterte, if we have set an Olympic record. Then as I sit with my colleagues on a Randstein the Curry, that will be the delivery service ordered. That was forbidden, but the parking attendants swerved away.

PCR test for the breakfast and the pandemic games

In Beijing in the winter of 2022 you went to the morning session for a PCR test with a woman in a protective harness and with twirling goggles. Your eyes said Laughing, my eyes too. If we get to the mountain, we will see that this is a person who goes away so quickly. Yes, in the city center you see the discos are back on the offensive. In the country is one of the coronavirus infections, which is being investigated by the general health risks. After the Swiss Alpine with Gold Medals started playing, the war was no longer a game with the public.

Einsame Spiele: Weighing the Corona Pandemic since the Winter Games in China 2022, there are no Australian reviews.

Einsame Spiele: Weighing the Corona Pandemic since the Winter Games in China 2022, there are no Australian reviews.

Andrea Verdelli / Bloomberg

In Paris, everything that the pandemic hated was compensated for. Athletes and athletes let themselves be carried away by a euphoric audience. The man can play, the woman wants to: Ping-pong, BMX, Kanuslalom – all when the stands are full, it is sung, written, cheered.

If so, then the French are no longer there. But also that this people loves sport in all its facets and can quickly look back on a rich tradition. Dessen was most surprised when the studio broadcast in France 2 began, but in the most absurd fringe sport art nor a one-time Olympiad, a final medal winner from the neighborhood was seen.

The moderator of the broadcast is after a week with his ideas, the game is of the parliamentary session and the first time that there is talk of new developments in the country. The results of the president Emmanuel Macron have remained politically unchanged. If all goes well, the Olympic spirit is a more fleeting scourge. The fire is released at the end of the absolution, the other reality will soon return.

The beach in the city: Beach volleyball in the treasures of the Eiffel Tower.

The beach in the city: Beach volleyball in the treasures of the Eiffel Tower.

Tom Bloch / Imago

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