
Stagnant night demand and oil supply: IEA, Morgan Stanley & Goldman Sachs pessimistic on oil market | 11.08.24

Stagnant night demand and oil supply: IEA, Morgan Stanley & Goldman Sachs pessimistic on oil market | 11.08.24

The US government has given the experts of Goldman Sachs an ominous influence on the US economy. The oil market has supported the experts of the IEA, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs for a year.

• IEA: Weltweite Ölnachfrage verlangsamt sich weiter
• Morgan Stanley: Worry about Überschuss in the Oil Market
• Goldman Sachs: Presidential Award Winner Would Get Chance to Find Secret German Oil Company on the Dock

IEA Oil Market Report

Anyone who told the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its current market report (OMR) knows that the global oil crisis demands more. I woiten Quartal dieses Jahres gad das Wachstum in Jahresvergleich op 710 kb/d (Tausend Barrel pro Tag) zurück. This will present the last Anstieg since the fourth quarter of 2022. The Chinese language is a fact, while the country of the pandemic is hollow. In 2024 und 2025, de global Zwächse-voraussichtlich in de Durchschnitt-knap einem bei mb/d (Millionen Barrel pro Tag) lie, het impenetrable Wirtschaftswachstum, gestigerte Effizienz und de Elektrifizierung der Fahrzeuge als Gegenkräfte-werk.

The global supply in June is 150 kb/d or 102.9 mb/d, field observation continues and the biofuel is being stored. When the German backhaul through the Saudi Fördermenging starts, the OMR will look good. Solid monthly feedstocks will increase production in the 2nd quarter of 2024 by 910 kb/d compared to the previous quarter. In the 3rd quarter of 2024 there was a feedstock of 770 kb/d, where 600 kb/d of the feedstock from non-OPEC+ countries stems from. In 2024 the rate of 770 kb/d was stored, with a rate of 1.8 mb/d in the coming years.

The prices have been through the Six Months Stief in June of this year, while the Brent Futures are worth a US Dollar per Barrel at 86 US Dollar per Barrel. If you want to make a quote, you can invest short covering by investors and new geopolitical tensions in the east of the country. The Fund positions are filled with historical tief levels.

The good news is that it is the four months in the following month that 23.9 mb is stored. The offshore Vorräte sank below 17.3 mb, while the Vorräte a country a 41.3 mb on a 30-month-Hoch anstiegen. The OECD industry food stock is 27.8 mb on 2,845 mb, but 69 mb can last up to 2,845 mb. Since most of the data sank 18.1 mb in June, the Rohölvorräte products cannot be used, but the product will be produced by the IEA.

Morgan Stanley Warns About Uberangobot

The experts at Morgan Stanley predict, as the Rohölmarkt, the time of tensions, a year later an overshoot of the time. The investment bank has launched, while the oil price in 2025 would have fallen considerably into the 70-US-Dollar range. At the time, the oil price is listed at 75.18 US dollars per barrel (as of: 08.08.2024).

The bank was one of the time long time marketed for the most part of the written quarters. The last part of the years became a low weight and the sector became a lighter weight. Dies the experts in the field of the aftermath of the seasonal demand corridors were praised to make the Wachstum of the OPEC and Nicht-OPEC-Olangebots back.

There is a hit from the OPEC+ minister who wants to convey the oil policy, who has had an uncontrolled discussion, with a report from the Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. If you are on the plan, you start in October with one of the first steps you can take. If you want to know how long it will take before the costs are exceeded or if a setback is made, this is done. OPEC+ has reduced its production to an amount of 5.86 Millionen Barrel per day, which amounted to 5.7 percent of the total yield. These mass intakes have started a breakdown of the Beschlüssen from 2022, while the market focuses on the uncertainties about the global night question and the zunehmenden-angebots that stabilize the group.

Morgan Stanley predicts that OPEC countries will have won a prize of 2.5 Million barrels for the OPEC breakout in 2025. The refining activity was carried out in August over the years in the high point. The experts of the investment bank have started investing the refinery in July 2025, a level that is higher.

Seine Brent Oil Price Forecast for Q2 2024 with Morgan Stanley at 86 US Dollars per Barrel.

Goldman Sachs: Präsidentschaftswahl und Versorgung in Blick

Goldman Sachs experts have informed of the results that won the US presidential election in November, now that a number of new credits have emerged, the secretive oil company has become deutlich on the scaffolding for the following years.

In the Mitteilung and the Kunden which the Bank has developed, the strategic investments are made and a vault of the Vorschrift die langfrestige Versorgung of the US are used. The Brent-Rohol-Futures-Kontakt for September would be traded for a period of 82 US-Dollar per barrel, with the price for US-West-Texas-Intermediate-Rohol for September being paid with a delay of 78 US-Dollar.

The experts at Goldman Sachs are convinced that the Brent price will lie between 75 and 90 US dollars in the year 2025. We can see a trend development of the Gross Domestic Products (BIP) and a stable oil market by the exporting organizations of the Länder (OPEC) and their Mitglieds organizations as well. “Obwohl hinsichtlich der Handelspolitik große Unsicherheit herrscht, erscheinen Zölle auf US-Roholimporte unwahrscheinlich”, heißt es in der Mitteilung.

Goldman Sachs went ahead as oil prices went through debt and sinking BIP to sink a US dollar per barrel by the year 2025, which would continue the US pause on imports of goods.

As the yield on the 19th US dollar fell, the Federal Reserve set a higher core inflation target for the year 2025 when it came. The bank’s price for BrentOil I am four months into the 2025 quarter at US$62, while the outlook is US$81.

Editorial team

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