
Climate walking is changing Wattenmeer at a record pace

Climate walking is changing Wattenmeer at a record pace

Das Wattenmeer changes the path of climate hiking at record pace. This is one of many messages from the series of 30 Forscherinnen and Forschern from the Alfred-Wegener-Institutes. Darin sei deutlich become, the climate walk is a Lebensraum in the sailing ship in the last day of life, reports co-erstautor Christian Buschbaum and co-erstautorin Lisa Shama, die to the AWI-Wattenmeer station list on Sylt Arbeiten.

If you are likely to see the Auswirkungen on the Coast: “The climate walk works on all the waters of the Wattenmeer ein: Temperature and temperature changes change the morphology of the coast and the sediment dynamics over the past 8000 years”, read more about Buschbaum.

“The Wattenmeer in the southern North Sea was warm as other common kitchen, which the higher temperature of the lake washers in the last 60 years a fast 2 years ago had quickly double the global expansion of the Ozeane water”, write the researcher in his report in the trade journal «Marine biodiversity». There are a number of the 100 best best chickens of the AWI-Wattenmeer station.

If the AWI is mild and very warm in winter, the summer temperature is a large amount of water in the system. In particular, heat waves with temperatures of three to five degrees above the cut-through become higher and longer during the night. These physical conditions are influenced by the use of artificial water and lake bottoms.

The lake washer in watts is very warm. (Archive image)
The lake washer in watts is very warm. (Archive image) Photo: Frank Molter/dpa

Follow for the world of earth

Manche tricks on the cod cannot affect the transmission and only cause part of the interference under the span. Buschbaum concrete: «Wir beobachten außerdem unennutlichen Anstieg an eingeschleppten, warmiebenden Arten.» These sorrows do not offer any secret organism, but rather lead to a change in the life environment. “Riesige Riffe pazifischer Austern and Hektargroße Unterwasserwälder, gebildet von Algen aus Fernost, sind unmittelbar von jedem Wattwanderer zu recognize,” says the Forscher.

Adjustments and changes in living conditions

When the reaction reactions are carried out in the cotton lake, actual reactions are carried out, but the phenotypical plastism. “With plastism, the individuals adapt to their properties and their appearance image in response to direct environmental travel and, without the possible changes that occur”, explains evolutionary biologist Shama. If you want to increase the temperature, you have to change the time of the temperature or increase the temperature. So if you can compare the Shama organism with your Fortpflanzungsstrategie, you can in other cases get more enjoyment by using the heat more afterglow.

Meaning of the Cotton Lake

The Wattenmeer is for many fish and bird art, who Hering, Austernfischer and Knutt of greater ecologic meaning, concrete of AWI. These levels are useless for the spirit of a phase in the life cycle. So that is a way to visit Kinderstube and Futterplatz and use young Fischen Schutz for Räubern.

Make sure that the climate heating moves to the other arts. Demnach wanders through fish-polwärts to other soil-dwelling arts that see back in low and cold water. If the Verbreitungsgebiet can no longer be reduced, it must be that the beds in the Wattenmeer are heated.

Die Klimaerwärmung im Watt hat auch Folgen für Menschen (Archvibild)
Die Klimaerwärmung im Watt hat auch Folgen für Menschen (Archvibild) Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa

Follow for humans

It is no longer possible to send a message after the stipulation in the Wattenmeer era. Look at the order of the designs for a shameless, uncomplicated buschbaum and shama experience. It is therefore necessary that the coastal protection and tourism management are nachhaltig and that their stipulation will last longer.