
Hisbollah started Angriff at the military base in Nordisrael

Hisbollah started Angriff at the military base in Nordisrael

Hisbollah-Kämpfer has abgefeuert “Schwadronen sprengstoffladener Drohnen” at the Mitshwe Alon military base in the Nahe der Stadt Safed in Galiläa.

In response to the Hamas commanders in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese Hisbollah soldiers have started fighting a military army in northern Israel after their own war. Hisbollah-Kämpfer has abgefeuert ‘Schwadronen sprengstoffladener Drohnen’ on the military base Mitshwe Alon in the Nähe der Stadt Safed in Galiläa, hieß es. There is a “Answert auf den Angriff und die Ermordung durch de Israëlisch Feind in der Stadt Sidon”.

If it is the “first child”, the history of the history of the history of the history of the history of the history of the history of Hisbollah.

A Freitag war against an Israeli fear of a vehicle in Sidon in southern Lebanon of Hamas commander Samer al-Hadj will become. The radical Palestinian Palestinian organization Hamas is convinced that its “Kommandant” al-Hadj will become “a Zionist evil”. The Israeli army is busy with its fight, its fighters have captured the area with a Sidon and “eliminated” the “ranghohen-befehlshaber” of Hamas in Lebanon.

It is a matter of the first fearsome art in the southern Sidon. The beginning of the Gaza Strip on October 7th comes in the border area of ​​Israel and Lebanon in the fight against the Israeli army and the Iranian army. I have been in Lebanon since 562 thoughts, but think of 116 souls. On the Israeli side, 22 soldiers and 26 civilians were called to the army. (APA/AFP)

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