
Tour with Pferden and in Jurten through Kyrgyzstan

Tour with Pferden and in Jurten through Kyrgyzstan

It is a person who is full of his Aura ganze Räume. Aisuluu is so sweet. The Kyrgyz Mädchen, perhaps a little more or less long, betritt de Jurte und Erobert with their schüchternen Lächeln im Handumdrehen die Herzen der Wanderer. It’s a matter of adding a wort to the tea utensils. What do you mean? Aisuluu speaks Russian and Kyrgyz. You will learn English later, and then you will be aunt in the Schulferien im Jurtencamp aus.

Das Kyrgyz Mädchen Aisuluu: “Ai” bedeutet Mouth and “suluu” heißt hübsch.

Das Kyrgyz Mädchen Aisuluu: “Ai” bedeutet Mouth and “suluu” heißt hübsch. (Photo: Marc Vorsatz)

Aisuluu sees it in the fern

In that camp you will find Wanderer from another World, from the unendlich varen Europe, who will ausklingen your strengthened Trekkingtour with a few erholsamen days at Song-Köl-See at 3000 meters. So if the family and the other traditions of the Dorfgemeinschaft are a part of the family, it is a part of all people, so see it in the Ferne. She will see the world that sees well. I am Kyrgyz bedeutet “Ai” Mond and “suluu” hübsch.

Aisuluus Day began before sunset, but it noticed the sleeping tourists in their comfortable yurts, when the quecksilbersäule draußen went on a modest three-course meal.

You can also enjoy freshly prepared meats: bäckt Fladenbrot, fresh sausage and cheese, full of fresh marmalade and tasty snacks in dishes, a large portion of freshly baked apricots and crispy snacks, and pour Ayran into carafes , belongs to the Samovar. If you would like to know more about your stay, please speak some English. After the Frühstück wäscht sie ab.

The trekking tour ends with a few trips to Tagen am Song-Köl-See at an altitude of 3,000 metres.

The trekking tour ends with a few trips to Tagen am Song-Köl-See at an altitude of 3,000 metres. (Photo: Marc Vorsatz)

Remarkable Hochalmgucker

And what about Urlauber? You can put the couch on the couch while Jurten feels and the warmth of the heat so sorely. A sworn sitting community of remarkable high mountain goats alike. Note that this Wanderer is no longer active when there are wollen. Why? It is good to know that you can enjoy your holiday during a trekking tour.

The Tour war has called everything else a Zuckerschlecken. Zehn Tage zuvor empfing Bischkek die Naturliebhaber mit brutender Hitze. 42 Grad rerschten in der Hauptstadt. I am Schatten. The Luftwar was a battle between the real-socialist Mietskasernen and the real-capitalist Glasbetonklötzen.

Aida Altymyschowa (2nd v.r.) went to Jahren Outdoor-Touren in Tien Shan.

Aida Altymyschowa (2nd v.r.) went to Jahren Outdoor-Touren in Tien Shan. (Photo: Marc Vorsatz)

Cover in the area

Am Tag went with a museum Russian truck in Abenteuer. „In the mountains there was a heavy night during the night“, explained Aida Altymyschowa in this briefing in perfect German with rolling Russian documents. „The Bäche, durch die wir müssen, became more Wasser führen.“ Aida has been reading for years outdoor tours in Tien Shan with travel experience with Weltweitwandern and knows the Tücken in the Gebirge now well.

I let Bergdorf transfer the adventurer to the companionship and the horse for the next day. Without the young Kirgisen the Tagesetappen with their 1000 meters of altitude would not have to buy anymore. The Vollblüter back the heavy luggage, the Zelte, the mobile kitchen, the food.

“The Flügel eines Kirgisen sind sein Pferd”

If your Tagesrucksack gets a little lost. When the war is moderate on slippery roads, nature will light up with lights and burning weeds and long raw air, which will fall on a fallen tree trunk or what has to happen. „Not everyone’s business“, white Aida. “If you want to leave the city, go to the puste.“ And your passion goes to the city when the country opens up again after a while. Nevertheless, two quadruplets always remain on the hike. That’s half, the small group together, physically and mentally.

The first Trekkingtag with more 2800 meter high cloud-hanging passes in Schroffer Gebirgslandschaft is then in itself. Abends gab is Beschbarmak, Nudeln mit reichlich Rindfleisch, das kirgisische Nationalgericht, wahlweise with knackigem Gemüse for the European Gaumen. If the europäer is doing this kind of thing, but it is still possible to make a secret, then that’s it. “The Flügel eines Kirgisen sind sein Pferd,” said another Sprichwort, nor is it gilded among the Nomads.

Skazka heißt „Märchenschlucht“, through bizarre Lehmformations in fast unwirklichen Rottönen.

Skazka heißt „Märchenschlucht“, through bizarre Lehm formations in fast unwirklichen Rottönen. (Photo: Marc Vorsatz)

Drachen in the Märchenschlucht

Mit der Höhe is the landscape. The large number of grass guards, who are on the horizon, could work on people’s behavior in a monotonous manner. Trotzdem blopen is a good thing. A Tag später, behind the Kol-Kogur-Pass, walks through the Bild path. Das leuchtende Grün die vegetationlosen Erdtönen. A Wasserscheide in Tien Shan. If one of the most is a huge murmeltier, the Himmel-kreiste is a Steinadler and wartete on his chance.

Dann der Skazka Gorge. In the “Märchenschlucht” bizarre Lehm formations appear in fast, unwirklichen Rottönen. Sonne, Wind and Regen have been on a mystical working journey for years with winding rain of sieves Wänden, Zinnen, mysterious shops and walk-through bridges. Manche glauben im Spiel von Licht und Schatten are versteinerte Drachen und Riesen zu recognise.

“Best Liebesgeschichte der Welt”

Otherwise, the night lagger at Kol-Kogur-See, the 500-metre steep descent, flanked by fahlgraue Felswände. The warm lagerfeuer is Aida von Djamila and the „schönsten Liebesgeschichte der Welt“, with a French poet and scribe Louis Aragon warm.

Most of the novels of the Feder des Kirgisischen Nationaldichters Tschingis Aitmatow are set in the time of the Great Fatherland War 1941 to 1945. The life-frohe Djamila would come with a Mann from his Dorf-verheiratet, his free time. Then you know Danijar, a scheuen Sonderling, the mystical Gesang ihr Herz verzaubert. A forbidden lie, an absolute taboo in the Muslim community.

Moreover, if the Kyrgyz woman can no longer see, it is often the case that this Büchlein has a yellow hat. I am Jurtencamp in Song-Köl-See, so it was the leader of the time.

Aitmatows Djamila has his mothers for the lie, for one of the parents, for an Abschiednehmen of their family. Go forever. Despite all traditions, Kirgistan is today another country. The chances stand well for Aisuluu, the hubschen Mond.

The Kyrgyz nomads in the highlands of the Tien Shan Mountains live according to different traditions.

The Kyrgyz nomads in the highlands of the Tien Shan Mountains live according to different traditions. (Photo: Marc Vorsatz)



Trekking trip to Fuß und Pferd: “Kirgistan & Seine Hochgebirgsseen” with Bischkek, Märchenschlucht, Issyk Kul, Song Köl, Tal der Blumen, Karakol, Kol Kogur. 13 Tage incl. Flug, Programm, Unterkunft (Hotel, Zelt, Jurte), Vollverpflegung, deutschspr. Travel allowance from 2790 Euro.

Individual: Die Reise „Magisches Kyrgistan“ with Bischkek, Issyk Kul, Song Köl, Dzhety-Oguz Schlucht, Prschewalski Grab, Kotschkor. 14 days incl. Flug, Programm, Top-Hotels, Pensionen en Jurten, Verpflegung und deutschsprachige Reiseleitung, Privatfahrzeug/Fahrer at Geoplan Privatreisen from 3,180 €,

Small group: “Im Land der Bergriesen und Nomaden” with Bischkek, Kotschkor, Song Köl, Tamga, Karakol, Issyk Kul, Skazka Canyon, Chong-Kemin. 11 Tage (5 Active Tag) incl. Flug, Unterkunft (Hotel, Gästehaus, Jurte), Programm, Verpflegung, deutschsprachige Reiseleitung from 2,370 Euro,


Djamila von Tschingis Aitmatow. Die Deutsche Erstausgabe was published in 1960 by Ostberliner Verlag Kultur and Fortschritt. In the GDR war die Erzählung schulische Pflichtlektüre.