
“The boundaries between our lives and our lives are not as clear as anyone who ever thought about them”​

“The boundaries between our lives and our lives are not as clear as anyone who ever thought about them”​

So whoever the birth science of the time point is marked, when they come into the world, the star science marks the moment, and they will pass more. These mirror practices are now the tradition of life and the broadening of a binary construction. If you are here, the Schalter – who is at a lamp – is no more than a sin. If you make this general choice, it is so that it takes longer, it is an overarching social construction. Dying is in reality a process, at the clear border goes, from there no more way back goes.

Scientists and the person involved have these different possibilities of different kinds of experiences. If you see the society, you can use the effects for the life-deep greifend signal. “Many people could be re-experienced,” said Sam Parnia, director of intensive care and resuscitation at NYU Langone Health Hospital.

This text appeared in the Edition 4/2024 of MIT Technology Review. It is a shame that we can do a disaster, but that we will have a catastrophic problem. You can order the TR 4/2024 here.

So it is a neuroscience expert who has done a refinancing, which allows the mixture and the oxygen fmangel to be mixed. If you spend the time, it is worth using a ​​​​sterbeprozes, a long term is required. Other organic organs can be restored longer, if they are in medical practice – it was a matter of time and money to spend organs.

Get to know Tod’s feeling: Sam Parnia is director of intensive care and resuscitation at NYU Langone Health.
Photo: Elliot Goldstein / NYU Langone Health

Living and understanding everything anew

Um dies when you are aware, but you will have to leave our life and reflections. If there is an abuse of power, the man will no longer know what is going on, if he goes through a process of the Sauerstoffmangels, so Parnia. If it is irreversible, it will take a long time or undergo medical treatment. Machten wir uns dieses Mindset zueigen, “wird plotzlich jeder sagen: ‚Lasst uns diese Person doktern’“.

The right and biological definitions of the Todes are in the Rule of the “irreversible abbreviation” of the process through the heart, lung and heart. The heart is the best transition point. Be that as it may, it is worth seeing the great parts of the history of mankind no longer. It began in 1960 with the discovery of the heart-lung recovery (HLW). If so, it is a miracle that a heart will bring back to life.

There are nun wars in the Reichweite der moderne Medizin. The HLW is the first major work of thought in Bezug op de Tod als grundsätzliches Konzept. The beginning of the ‘heart stillstand’ begins a story within the story and pushes a clear semantic trend that brings about the enjoyment of the heart function and the dauerhaften at the end of life.

Zwischen Herzstillstand und dauerhaftem Ende des Lebens

Etwa zur gleichen Zeit kamen mechanical overpressure beatmungsgeräte to provide the lungs with air supply. Ermöglichten Menschen met schweren Hirnverletzungen – through a headfschuss, a schweren Schlaganfall or an Autounfall – weiterzuatmen. In autopsy-solcher patients, the Forscher party, which in one of the cases of a war so grim that the web began, stated itself zu verflüssigen. In the Solchen Fällen, the Beatmungsgeräte im Grunde have created a “Kadaver mit schlagendem Herzen”, says Christof Koch, Neurowissenschaftler at the Allen Institute in Seattle.

Christof Koch is leader of the Wissenschaftler and chairman of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle and specializes in the neurology of brain science.
Photo: Allen Institute

These decisions are made through consultation with the patient and a Mediterranean, ethical and honest debate about the fragility of a man who can prompt patients to learn, before he or she can speak out. Some states have taken on a new form. Definition übernommen. Once it has happened, it is possible to produce organic or organic food – erasing feinheiten indicates that the process does not take long. “You have discovered the strong character of the company, so we have more questions,” says Charlotte Martial, a neuroscientist at the University of Lüttich in Belgium. “It is a very, very complex phenomenon.”

When the Medicine comes out of the closet, the damage will be minimal, while the Minutes of the Sauerstoffzufuhr is cut off. It’s only a few years later, said Jimo Borjigin, a neuroscientist at the University of Michigan, but he said he said he could build so badly.

Lately there has been a problem, that this is not the case. In the year 2019 scientists reported in the magazine “Nature”, that they could restore a series of functions in the heels of 32 pigs, whose heads were abducted four hours before in a slaughterhouse. The researchers set blood circulation and cell activation in the heels again in motion, in the meantime infusing oxygen-free artificial blood with a cocktail of protective inflammatory mites. While the disease of neurones stops and prevents the disease of the pigs from lasting longer. Your heels are so hard that you are in life for 36 days, before you have performed the experiment. “Our research said that this more damage from Sauerstoff mangel was reversible, as people had thought,” said study leader Stephen Latham, a bioethicist at Yale University.

Der Tod “thinking longer than we thought”

In the year 2022, Latham and its colleagues will be available in a new Nature article, which is a healthy experience, with different functionalities of the organs at Schweinen wiederherzustellen, which are prepared during a study to be – a natural experience of the mind and the heart. If you run the experiment, you can experiment for a long time and do the know-it-all things, while still having a blutkreislauf and a whole bunch of functions that were active. “These studies have said that the boundaries between our lives and our lives are not as clear as anyone would ever think,” said lead author Nenad Sestan, Neuroscience Researcher at the Yale School of Medicine. Der Tod “took longer than I thought, and one of the most common things the procedure could be was a high percentage and was thrown around”.

A handful of studies of a man’s hat that is very bad, if the gehirn is considered a saucer mangle, it may be that the heart comes on the schlagen. “If the sauce comes out of the Sauerstoff, it is one of the cases that spans an art paradoxer”, says Koch. “If the earth is never verstehen, the gehirn is most active for a few minutes hyperactive.” Parnia and their lectures are a combination of a resuscitation-veröffentlichte study on the oxygen content and the electrical activity of the gehirns of 85 patients with heart failure. In most patients, the functioning on the EEG monitors stagnates – at a 24-hour period of 40 minutes to 60 minutes after the duration of a fast normal electrical activity in the device. Who can say that?

Life after the day

Messages from Borjigin and his team in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published Study on Activity Scales in the Gehirnen two colitis patients, after the beat-up devices were removed. The EEG signatures can make all the brands of Consciousness look like Bojigin. If there are still fragments totter, these very exciting fragments about the process of the star legs and the mechanisms of the device’s operation are found.

You learn more about these mechanisms, as you grow through the chance, “systematic recovery measures” of devolving, says Borjigin. I can best consider the fall “the potential is great, medical practice will provide a solution and man will probably become less”.

Genaueres Verstandnis des Sterbeprozesses

Of course, it is true that people are no longer healthy and do not do it anymore. If one of the most advanced star processes in medicine works, the people who were there and an unreliable source of money – so long is your kitchen not relatively intact. It is possible that people experience a heartbreak or a blunt lust, which are fixed or broken. The Tatsache, which many people die – and to the extreme remain -, reflects a “a mangle and a number of sources, medical knowledge or ausreichendem knowingschaftlichen Fortschritt, a wiederzubeleben”, said Parnia.

Borjigins Hoffnung is the Sterbeprozess that the “Sekunde für Sekunde” could be translated into. Solche Entdeckungen cannot be treated as more than a Mediterranean Fortschritt, under the “unser Verstandnis der Gehirnfunktion changed and revolutionized”.

A team and a team are engaged in a follow-up study with the eye, “the technology that is perfect”, with the substances that work in Schweinehirnen and other organs that are renewed. This Forschungsrichtung can best come out of the paint, with the feeling that the sauce goes through the oxygen mangle in the water and other organic devices – to a natural natural level. Where the method is developed, the pool of the verfügbaren organenleverancier can be used, which the time requires, in the organ of the verstorbenen and the whole time.

Sollen diese Durchbrüche gelingen, so concrete er, erorderten jahrelange Forschung. “It is important, we will not be able to make any progress here and we will not be able to make any progress, but we will not have to worry about it, so we have no further vision.” In the meantime, these new insights have been discussed further and further changes have been made run in der Forschung und Bereichen der Gesellschaft führen – others von der Theologie bis zum Recht. That’s what it looks like: “Der Tod gehört nicht allein der Neurowissenschaft. We will all live in peace.”

The text is by journalist Rachel Nuwer and appeared in the American-American publication MIT Technology Review.

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