
Zuckerkonsum kurbelt Zellalterung an – Zuckerverzicht wirkt wie Verjüngungskur

Zuckerkonsum kurbelt Zellalterung an – Zuckerverzicht wirkt wie Verjüngungskur

Zucker works strongly as thought: Since there is no reason to consider it, it is not easy to understand, even if one is willing to work in a company, it is not completely safe. A new study of the medical science and public health expert Dorothy Chiu of the University of California in San Francisco is now coming to the end, which means a higher health care solution that can be quickly changed. Die good Nachricht: Durch konsequenten Overzicht lässt sich die biological Uhr ein Stück weit wieder zurückdrehen.

Zuckerkonsum kurbelt Zellalterung an – Zuckerverzicht wirkt wie Verjüngungskur
Sugar makes everything faster

Zucker changes epigenetic Muster

This information is limited with reduced health care and the risks associated with material health problems, so it is clear beforehand. Die Studie an 342 Frauen mit einem durchschnittlichen Alter von 39 Jahren offenbart aber noch etwas else: Zucker changes with the time bestimmte epigenetic Muster, which auf a beschleunigte Alterung hinweisen. Die Wissenschaftler entnahmen den Probandinnen Speicheltests und untersuchten die molecularbiologischen Veränderungen der enthaltenen Zellen. You can immediately see the relief from the biological life and health of your children.

Empty since maximum 30 to 50 Gramm per Tag

Those women, who now see a few Zucker aßen – some descriptions of themselves on minimal portions of their 3 Gramm on a Tag – standen they are better than others, who consume more than 315 Gramm of the süßen Stoffs on a Tag. Die WHO übrigens höchstens 30 bis 50 Gramm pro Tag, das entspricht ungefähr einem Becher Fruchtjoghurt. Natürlich plays with the sonstige Ernährung eine wichtige Rolle. The regular supply of vitamins and mineral substances is associated with smaller biological changes. Naturally, the care taken by the health of the Zucker is taken into account by the natural properties of the skin and antioxidants.

Die sogenannte Mediterranean Diet stach bei dieser Untersuchung besonders positiv hervor. This means that the raw materials, the growth of the fresh fruit and the gemstones, the olive oil, the raw material and the sea food are of great importance. We are still here for 10 grams of time in the future, after which we will be able to recognize the organic nature of our time, in the living room with two monate gains. And these effects will be verified, since long time studies are necessary.


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