
PTA News: Small & MicroCap Investments: De.mem -2-

PTA News: Small & MicroCap Investments: De.mem -2-

DJ PTA News: Small & MicroCap Investment: De.mem provides land-based space with sauberem Trinkwasser

Unternehmensmitteilung voor de Kapitalmarkt

Frankfurt (pta/11.08.2024/09:30) – Selbst in relative reichen Industrieländern gibt es Regionale, in den the quality of the Trinkwassers nicht einwandfrei ist. Defizite gibt is häufig in ländlichen Regionen zu beobachten.

Marode Infrastructure in the Industrial States

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) examines the four-year analysis of a comprehensive analysis – the “Infrastructure Report Card”. If you change the infrastructure of the US and address the notes from “A” to “F”, the German debt system is a good idea. The young study dates from the year 2021 and puts the word “Trinkwasser” in “C minus” and the “Abwassersystemen” in “D plus”, where “C” is for mediomäßig and “D” for schlechtsteht.

A negative tone is evident from the Trinkwasser quality that has been achieved over the years by a published study from Martin County (Kentucky). It looks at the problems with disinfection products (DBPs) in the countries of water systems. These harmful substances are considered to be health-damaging and were considered in Martin County as one of the limitless financing. The study is a country, which is a Trinkwasserversorgung in the American region, which is not ordered to the best.

Grosskonzerne bevorzugen Großprojekte

The Geschäftsmodell börsennotierter Ter Hinterehmen mit Bezug zum Wassersektor wie Veolia Environment (ISIN: FR0000124141), Suez (ISIN: FR0010613471), American Water Works (ISIN: US0304201033) or Xylem (ISIN: US98419M1009) bestht in Wesent lichen da rin, the infrastructure in Bereich To ensure that the laundry is organized, you can manage everything with a large-scale project for the water supply. The problem may not occur in small areas. Deren Bewohner is in the Rule autarke bzw. these central washing server management systems are available.

In these countries, the name of the Australian company hangs under the name of the decentralized membranes (ISIN: AU000000DEM4). This erposöglichen durch unterchiedliche Membrantechnologien das Filtration e.g. Cleaning of pure water – with the Trinkwasser quality. Make sure that there is no simple house filter system, which ensures the functioning of the water.

Use a filter system for private use

In regions with problems with the Trinkwasserqualität, you can install private installations with filter systems, a reassuring risk to avoid. De.mem bietet – basierend on unterschiedlichentechnologien Ansätzen – more Lösungsalternativen, die entweder am Verbrauchspunkt (Point-of-Use) or der Hauptwasserversorgung (Point-of-Entry).

Within the industry, the independent, common-purpose organization National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has been recognized as an institution. If the standards and the certification program have been expanded, there is good health and an important role is played in the recovery of the washing quality. After a multi-year test procedure (NSF/Standard 53) in April, the certification procedure for the self-made Graphene Oxide-reinforced membrane technology was successfully completed. Because this is the best, the washing filter system has been strictly controlled. With this certification, the consumer confidence is as high as the worldwide marketing potential for the product.

So gilts in Western Europe at the Trinkwasserqualität zwar hohe Standards, an increasing Taxation by Microplasty and Nitrate eröffnet under Privatkunden aber here auf long Sicht a erheblichen Nachrüstungsbedarf and zentralen Haushalts-Filtersystemen.

Starkes Umsatzwachstum in the second quarter of 2024

At the end of July, the Unternehmen reports the second half of a strong Anstieg der Erträge. This is a result of the comparable previous period, a 20 Prozent of 7.0 Million Dollars an. Damit wurden zum 21. Mal in Folge die Erträge des Vorjahresquartals has been surpassed and has reported a nahezu-geglichene employee Cash-Flow. Damit determines itself with a look at the Gesamtjahr auf Rekordkurs.

Since the sales start high water filtration solutions for US-Haushalte wurden mittlerweile Umsätze in Höhe von 55.000 Dollar erzielt. Innerhalb of two years of success in management – everything in the USA – with a Umsatzpotzial of a Million Dollars and strength since the April release date Forecasts.


Could it be that the content of the content is very interesting, no action or de.mem? Then insert yourself in our free sharer with the following word: “Nebenwerte” or “De.mem”. Simply by e-mail to Eva Reuter: [email protected]

De.mem ISIN: AU000000DEM4 Country: Australian

Disclaimer/Risk information Conflict of interest: There is an English-language IR and PR contract with De.mem. If you activate the conscription, the level of the subdivisions is higher. Dr. Reuter Investor Relations dealt with the history and expansion of articles in interest of De.mem. It is a matter of a real editorial position. Actions of De.mem can be found in the Besitz van Mitarbeitern or Autoren of Dr. Reuter Investor Relations – an overview of the rules of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).

Company risks: Who owns every company Risks are related to the conversion of the business model. It is not that the design model makes the plans a lot more difficult. More information about the risks on the IR website of De.mem entnehmen:

Investment risks: Investments will now be carried out with half the time, which are free of research and are not used for the security of the livelihood. It is not certain that an article from the last century is worth using the time point. Grundsätzlich unterliegen Aktien under the risks of a total indulgence.

Disclaimer: All in this Newsletter / Article available Information for further research. They are now being used and the cars are being seriously discontinued. Dennoch cannot use the information used. This information does not constitute a Verkaufsangebot for the discussed Action(s) nor an Aufforderung zum Kauf or Verkauf von Wertpaperen dar. The Ausführungen lie Quellen zgrunde, die der Herausgeber für trauenswürdig erachtet.

Questions: Insofar as the research and analysis of the social information and the external information website are relevant. If the rule is the best, please contact Vorstand / IR-Team of your analysis instruments. vorgestellten Gesellschaft. The item used for the sale is a scope for the welding work.

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Verantwortlich & Kontakt für Rückfragen Small- & MicroCap Investment via Dr. Reuters Investor Relations Dr. Eva Reuter Friedrich Ebert Anlage 35-37 60327 Frankfurt +49 (0) 69 1532 5857 (

For Fragen, Nachricht bitte an [email protected]


Aussender: Small- & MicroCap Investment Address: Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35, 60327 Frankfurt Country: Deutschland Ansprechpartner: Eva-Maria Reuter Tel.: +49 251 9801560 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www

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August 11, 2024 03:30 ET (07:30 GMT)

DJ PTA News: Small & MicroCap Investments: De.mem -2-

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